Laser Therapy for Lichen Sclerosus

Lichen sclerosus (LS) is an atrophic, noncontagious, chronic skin disease (lichen sclerosus et atrophicus (LSA)) that occurs in episodes. The disease can occur in both sexes, even in early adolescence, but is most common in women, usually after menopause (female menopause). The condition is often unrecognized and unsuccessfully treated repeatedly as a genital infection (vaginal … Laser Therapy for Lichen Sclerosus

Laser Therapy for Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome

Vaginal relaxation syndrome (VRS) is characterized by slackening of the connective tissues of the vagina (vaginal) and pelvic floor. Causes are often one or more births. Vacuum or forceps deliveries in particular damage the pelvic floor. Other factors are connective tissue weakness, obesity and increasing age. Hormone deficiency during the menopause exacerbates the development.Sexually, physical … Laser Therapy for Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome