Erectile dysfunction therapy

Synonyms Potency disorder, impotence, medical: Erectile Dysfunction (ED)Drug therapy: The drug therapy of erectile dysfunction is administered (via the oral route) in tablet form. The substances used here are phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (PDE-5 inhibitors) with the active substance names Sildenafil (probably best known by the name Viagra) and its further developments Vardenafil (Levitra) and Tardalafil (Cialis). … Erectile dysfunction therapy


Definition An inflammation of the urethra is also called urethritis in medical jargon. It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane in the area of the urethra. This comes off the bladder and leads the urine to the outside. Like the inflammation of the bladder, urethritis belongs to the group of lower urinary tract infections. … Urethritis

PSA levels in prostate cancer

Importance of PSA levels in prostate cancer Prostate carcinoma is the most common carcinoma in men in Germany. Every eighth man is diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime, which makes it comparable in frequency to breast cancer in women. Since it comes only late to symptoms a precaution is very important for early detection. … PSA levels in prostate cancer

Why is PSA elevated in prostate cancer? | PSA levels in prostate cancer

Why is PSA elevated in prostate cancer? The PSA is very organ-specific, it is formed exclusively by the prostate. In most changes of the prostate, the PSA level is elevated, as for example in the frequent benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). However, this does not necessarily have to be the case; there are also prostate changes … Why is PSA elevated in prostate cancer? | PSA levels in prostate cancer

What is the PSA level after prostate removal? | PSA levels in prostate cancer

What is the PSA level after prostate removal? After a prostatectomy, i.e. the surgical removal of the prostate, the PSA value is measured at regular intervals. It should fall below the detection limit within 4-6 weeks, since ideally there is no tissue left that could produce PSA. If this is not the case or if … What is the PSA level after prostate removal? | PSA levels in prostate cancer