Causes of erectile dysfunction

Synonyms Potency disorder, impotence, medical: Erectile Dysfunction (ED)The causes of erectile dysfunction lie in the various systems that contribute to a man’s erectile function. For example, there is a psychological, vascular (vascular), nervous system (neurogenic), hormonal or small muscle (myogenic) erectile dysfunction. In many men, however, the disease is composed of several of these factors. … Causes of erectile dysfunction

Testicles twisted

A twisted testicle is called testicular torsion in medical terminology. This is the unilateral or bilateral torsion of the testicle in the scrotum due to an acute hypermobility of the entire spermatic cord. The twisted testicle represents a threatening situation, since the blood circulation of the testicle is restricted. Introduction The twisting of the testis … Testicles twisted

Symptoms | Testicles twisted

Symptoms A twisting of the testicle is usually accompanied, especially in young adulthood, by a sudden onset of severe pain in the affected scrotum. The testicle is very sensitive to touch and pressure painful. Every touch often aggravates the pain. The unpleasant pain can also radiate through the inguinal canal into the lower half of … Symptoms | Testicles twisted

Treatment | Testicles twisted

Treatment The treatment of testicular torsion should be carried out as soon as possible, because if the blood supply to the testis is not guaranteed, there is a risk that tissue will die off and the function of the testis will ultimately be lost.Until the testicle dies completely, the treating physicians have about four to … Treatment | Testicles twisted

Pain when urinating during pregnancy | Pain during urination in women

Pain when urinating during pregnancy If pain occurs during urination during pregnancy, a doctor should be consulted immediately, who will determine whether a bladder infection is present by means of urine diagnostics. This should then be treated with antibiotics approved for use during pregnancy, for example with cefuroxime or amoxicillin, to prevent a more serious … Pain when urinating during pregnancy | Pain during urination in women

Prostate Enlargement

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostate enlargement, benign prostatic syndrome, prostate adenoma, prostate hypertrophy Definition There is a benign enlargement of the inner zone (“transitional zone”) of the prostate (prostate gland). Connective tissue and muscle cells (so-called stromal parts) are mainly affected. Affected are mainly men of advanced age. Here, an incision was made parallel to … Prostate Enlargement

Stages of prostate enlargement | Prostate Enlargement

Stages of prostate enlargement There are three stages of benign prostate enlargement Stage of irritationThere are obstructive and irritative symptoms Residual urine stageThe emptying mechanism can no longer be adequately maintained (decompensation). The frequency of urination increases (pollakiuria). There is a residual urine of 100 – 150 ml on average. Backwater stageThe expulsion function of … Stages of prostate enlargement | Prostate Enlargement