Heart stumbling due to back pain


The term “heart stumbling” is a popular term for various complaints that occur in relation to the heart rhythm or pulse. These problems can be, for example, an irregular, fast or too slow heartbeat. Frequently, those affected feel anxiety and worry that something might be wrong with their heart.

In some cases, there is actually a heart rhythm disturbance behind the symptoms, which must be treated medically. However, there are also complaints that cannot be traced back to a disturbance of the heart rhythm. Discussions often arise as to whether a problem with the back or back pain can also lead to this “heart stumbling”.


The causes of a “heart stumbling” are often not so easy to determine. There are medically objectifiable causes, such as damage to the heart muscle or diseases of the heart rhythm, which can lead to the complaints that sufferers commonly refer to as “heart stumbling”. Some of those affected describe a subjective connection between their complaints and additional complaints of the back, such as tension or back pain.

However, there is no medical connection. Back pain and tension or other diseases of the back are not the cause of a heart rhythm disorder. It is questionable whether a psychological component can play a role.

For example, a psychosomatic illness in which heart stumbling occurs as a complaint would be understood by this. Accompanying symptoms can be outbreaks of sweating, fear or dizziness. Possible causes can be stress, unresolved conflicts or other psychological stress.

Often there is a connection with a problem of the back. However, no direct connection can be deduced between back problems and a heart stumble. A tense back is not a rare problem.

Tension can be caused by incorrect strain or a lack of exercise, but also by psychological factors such as stress, conflicts, personal problems or worries. However, a tense back cannot cause a cardiac arrhythmia contrary to all claims, which are often propagated in healing practitioner forums or the lay press. It is much more likely that a heart stumble is an expression of a psychological problem or a psychosomatic conflict, in the context of which a tense back also occurs at the same time.

This means that a heart stutter and a tense back can occur simultaneously, but one symptom does not cause the other. The connection with a psychological conflict can be seen here. However, a comprehensive clarification of the causes must be carried out to ensure that no heart disease is present.