Hepatic Encephalopathy: Classification

Based on the “West Haven criteria,” hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is classified into the following stages:

Stage Description Psychometric test procedures*
0 (minimum HE) Asymptomatic; no clinical neurological symptoms, but deficits in cognitive subdomains such as attention, fine motor skills, short-term memory, visuospatial perception pathological (pathological)
I Onset of drowsiness, poor concentration, sleep disturbances, mood swings, slowing down, slurred speech, confusion Pathological
II Apathy, flutter tremor (coarse tremor of hands), greater drowsiness; changes in writing samples, EEG: triphasic waves Pathological
III Flutter tremor, patient predominantly asleep but can be awakened; corneal reflexes (eyelid closure reflex) and tendon reflexes preserved; onset of smell of raw liver (“foetor hepaticus”); EEG: triphasic waves no longer possible
IV Hepatic failure coma (coma hepaticum): no more response to painful stimuli, no corneal reflexes, marked foetor hepaticus, flutter tremor usually absent, deep sleep, unable to awaken; EEG: delta activity no longer possible

22-74% of patients with liver cirrhosis already have “minimal hepatic encephalopathy” (synonym: latent (hidden) hepatic encephalopathy).

* Psychometric test procedures = number-connection test, line-tracing test, number-symbol test; They serve as parameters for concentration ability, fine motor skills as well as logical thinking.