Hepatitis A: How to Avoid Infection

Infection with hepatitis A often occurs via contaminated drinking water or contaminated food. However, because the infection shows only nonspecific symptoms, it often goes unnoticed. The first signs may be general symptoms of illness such as loss of appetite, headache and an increase in body temperature. There is no specific treatment against the virus. However, if an infection is present, it is important to take care of the liver and avoid alcohol, for example. The best way to prevent infection is hepatitis A vaccination.

Infection with hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is an acute liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus of the same name. Because the virus is relatively insensitive to disinfectants and cold, it can spread easily. It occurs worldwide, but is most common in warm, tropical areas and in countries with low sanitary standards. However, areas with an increased risk of infection include not only countries in Africa, Asia and South America, but also Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean region. It is therefore entirely possible to become infected during a summer vacation in Italy or Spain. Once infected with the virus, you are protected from the pathogen for life. Thus, one can contract hepatitis A only once in a lifetime.

Fecal-oral infection

Transmission of the virus occurs through fecal-oral infection. This means that infection occurs via viruses that are excreted in the stool and then reabsorbed through the mouth. Infected persons excrete the pathogens in urine and stool two weeks before the first symptoms of the disease appear and are thus already contagious. Infection can occur on the one hand through smear infection, in which objects contaminated with pathogens are touched. If you then touch your face – especially on the mucous membranes of your mouth and nose – the pathogens can enter your body. Secondly, transmission can occur through contaminated drinking water or contaminated food. In addition to these infection routes, infection is also possible via blood and blood products. Drug addicts, for example, can also become infected through injecting equipment that has been used several times. However, transmission by this route is rather rare.

Hepatitis A: first signs

The first signs of hepatitis A infection become apparent about two to seven weeks after infection. Initially, nonspecific symptoms such as an increase in body temperature, loss of appetite, headache, itching, and gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting occur. In addition, there may be pain in the right upper abdomen. However, in some cases, there are no symptoms at all or very mild symptoms, so the disease goes unnoticed.

Jaundice as a symptom

As hepatitis A disease progresses, the typical symptoms of jaundice may then develop. In this case, the inside of the eye and the skin turn yellowish. In addition, the color of the stool may become lighter, while that of the urine may become darker. In addition, in some patients, the spleen enlarges significantly. Jaundice generally indicates that there is damage to the liver. In individuals with certain pre-existing conditions, the infection can lead to severe impairment of liver function. This is especially true for patients with chronic hepatitis B or C infection and an already damaged liver. In the worst case, they may require a liver transplant.

Diagnosis by blood test

To determine whether an infection with the hepatitis A virus is present, a blood test is performed. Changes in liver values such as bilirubin, gamma-GT, GOT or GPT are of particular importance. However, one can only be sure that a hepatitis A infection is really present if specific antibodies against the virus are detected in the patient’s blood. In addition, it is also possible to detect parts of the virus or the genetic material in the stool. However, this method is rarely used today. Hepatitis A is a notifiable disease. This means that the physician must report to the regional health office in case of suspicion, detection of the disease and in case of death of the patient. The health offices then forward the data to the Robert Koch Institute, where they are collected and evaluated.

Treatment of the disease

To date, there is no specific treatment to combat the hepatitis A virus. Unlike hepatitis B and C, the disease usually heals on its own within a few weeks and never takes a chronic course. Severe complications are also rare, but can occur, especially in adults. These can include inflammation of the pancreas, the heart muscles and the lungs. These inflammations can be life-threatening under certain circumstances. In the case of an acute infection, it is important to spare the liver as much as possible. It is therefore essential to avoid alcohol, as this places a heavy burden on the liver. Likewise, you should not take any medication if possible. If it is absolutely necessary to take medication, you should consult your doctor beforehand. As part of your daily diet, it is recommended that you avoid very fatty foods for the duration of the illness. If you have contracted the virus, careful hygiene is important to avoid transmitting the pathogen to other people. If possible, use your own toilet or at least wash your hands thoroughly after each use of the toilet. Do not return to schools or other community facilities until there is no longer a risk of infection.

Be careful with uncooked food

In countries with low hygiene standards and an increased risk of hepatitis A infection, you should follow some basic rules when eating to prevent infection with the hepatitis A virus.

  • Drink only boiled tap water or water from packaged, unopened bottles. Also, use only such water to brush your teeth and make sure you do not get water in your mouth when showering.
  • Refrain from using ice cubes in drinks. Also ice cream you should not take to be on the safe side.
  • Avoid uncooked foods such as lettuce, fruit or vegetables, unless you can peel the corresponding food.
  • Do not eat raw or undercooked seafood.

Vaccination provides safe protection

However, the surest way to prevent hepatitis A infection is vaccination. Hepatitis A requires two vaccinations at intervals of about six months. After that, you are protected for at least twelve years. A booster of the vaccination protection should be done after ten years at the earliest. The hepatitis A vaccination is generally considered to be well tolerated. Harmless side effects such as swelling and redness at the injection site can occur in some cases. In addition, general symptoms of illness such as fatigue or gastrointestinal complaints may become apparent. More detailed information on hepatitis A vaccination is available here.