Homeopathy for breastfeeding complaints

The causes are tears and soreness of the nipples.

Homeopathic medicines

The following homeopathic medicines are used to treat complaints during breastfeeding:

  • Acidum nitricum (nitric acid)
  • Phytolacca (Kermes berry)

Cimicifuga (bugweed)

Typical dosage of Acidum nitricum (nitric acid) for breastfeeding complaints are drops of D6

  • Lacerations on the nipples with pain as if a splinter was driven into the skin
  • Mostly dark-haired women with firm connective tissue and a tendency to dark, pedunculated warts preferably on the upper eyelid
  • Foul smelling sweat and urine
  • One is irritable and quarrelsome, especially after insufficient sleep.
  • (Situation after the birth in a shared room! ).

Phytolacca (Kermes berry)

Typical dosage of Phytolacca (Kermes Berry) for breastfeeding complaints are: Tablets D3

  • Painful, strong milk shot
  • Pain during breastfeeding
  • Lacerations on the nipples
  • Benign lumps can develop in the breast
  • Sore nipples tear and become inflamed
  • When breastfeeding, the pain does not remain localized but is felt throughout the body
  • Breast is hard and in some places reddened, which can indicate the beginning of an inflammation