Homeopathy for colds

A cold (also: feverish infection, flu-like infection, colds) can be treated with homeopathic medicines. At the beginning of an infection it is important to distinguish between sudden and gradual onset.

Homeopathic medicines

For a cold, the following homeopathic medicines are suitable:

  • Aconitum
  • Belladonna
  • Ferrum phosphoricum
  • Gel-semium
  • Eupatorium perfoliatum
  • Eupatorium purpureum
  • Echinacea augustifolia
  • Apis mellifica
  • Mercurius solubilis

Sudden, violent beginning

Aconitum: For colds, but also for many other infectious diseases in the first stormy, often feverish phase. In this phase the disease has not yet localized. The symptoms get worse in the evening, at night and in the heat.

Aconitum is only available on prescription up to and including D3. Belladonna: Sudden onset, bright red head, steaming sweat, but no relief. Belladonna is often also the second remedy after aconitum as soon as patients start sweating. The symptoms are worsened by cold, draught, excitement.

  • Dry, hot skin
  • Frosty showers
  • Face red when lying down, pale when touching down
  • Trigger of the complaints can be cold east wind, in addition, the consequence of annoyance and fright
  • Start often around midnight
  • Great anxious restlessness up to panic-like fear
  • Fast, hard pulse
  • Dry cough
  • Intense thirst
  • Thumping pulse that can be felt up to the neck
  • Pupils dilated.
  • Patients sweat a lot but still want to be covered because they will freeze
  • Mucous membranes in the throat dry, bright red and painful
  • The body is feverish hot, arms and legs cold
  • Possible headaches are felt unbearable at the slightest vibration or if the head hangs down when bending

Gradual start

Ferrum phosphoricum: The infection starts slowly, the symptoms are similar to those described for aconitum, but there is no restlessness or fear. In children, Ferrum phosphoricum is particularly effective in the early stages of inflammation of the middle ear. The symptoms get worse at rest, children’s earaches get worse at night, improvement by light movement.

Gelsemium: The infection develops, often after hypothermia within 1 to 2 days. The symptoms get worse with heat, sun, movement, fear and fright. Gelsemium is only available on prescription up to and including D3

  • Generally, patients are quickly exhausted, hoarseness occurs after physical overexertion
  • Only low resistance
  • Tendency to frequent colds, nosebleeds, frequent middle ear infections in children
  • Patients are alternately pale or red in the face
  • Pulse fast and soft, easily suppressed
  • Beginning middle ear inflammations show a throbbing, pulsating pain, the affected side of the face is often more reddened than the healthy side.
  • Dry cough without sputum with tickling sensation in the throat
  • The patient shivers, shaky dizziness
  • Cold showers run down your back
  • Feeling of shattered
  • Fever with bright red head, often without thirst
  • Soon begins a watery, sore, sharp flowing cold
  • Sore throat, difficulty swallowing
  • Pulse is usually moderately accelerated and soft.

Eupatorium perfoliatum: Eupatorium purpureum: As soon as an inflammation of the urinary organs is added to the symptoms described above, Eupatorium purpureum must be considered.

Echinacea augustifolia: Has a positive effect on the body’s own defence and increases biological immunity. Echinacea is used for many infections because of its antibacterial effect. Echinacea can always be given with colds.

Apis mellifica: This remedy is indicated as soon as the febrile illness exceeds the normal level and considerable swelling occurs, which can quickly become life-threatening in the throat area. Aggravation of symptoms in the warmth and after sleep, in the afternoon. Improvement through cold and fresh air. Mercurius solubilis: The time for this remedy has come as soon as the first signs of suppuration appear.At the tonsils, pus-strips appear, at the mouthmucosa, small ulcers, often gray or greenish covered, occur. Aggravation of complaints at night in the warmth of the bed

  • The fever is highest in the morning
  • Pain in all limbs and bones, the whole body hurts
  • The patient is hot during the day, the face is hot and red, but hardly sweat
  • Often shivers at night, after sweating the general condition improves somewhat
  • Often great thirst for cold water, but drinking provokes vomiting
  • Dry cough that hurts very much, you have to hold your chest while coughing
  • A strong, watery flow rhinitis develops
  • The described pain in the limbs moves from bottom to top.
  • The clinical picture of Apis mellifica is best described by the example of a bee sting
  • After the sting, the skin swells up a lot, causing severe pain, burning, stinging, the area is reddened and hot
  • Extreme sensitivity to touch and pressure
  • Swollen eyelids, photophobia, heart attacks, shortness of breath, severe restlessness
  • The patients are not thirsty, sleepy
  • The tongue thickly covered, tooth impressions
  • Saliva thread pulling and unpleasant smelling
  • The nasal secretion becomes yellowish to green
  • Coughing also causes greenish to yellowish sputum
  • Teeth are very sensitive to temperature.
  • At night, the patient tends to strong, foul-smelling, sometimes yellow-coloring sweat
  • All inflammatory secretions are corrosive, sharp and purulent