Ferrum phosphoricum

Other term

Phosphoric acid iron, iron phosphate

Special feature

Belongs to the biochemical Schüssler salts (as the first inflammatory agent effective in the initial stage of inflammatory processes).

Application of Ferrum phosphoricum in the following homeopathic diseases

  • Anemic, mostly bright and blond people with blue vein markings
  • Migraine-like headaches with knocking and pulsating in the head with red face and cold feet
  • Diarrhea after every meal
  • Febrile conditions with severe coughing, accompanied by shortness of breath and chest tightness

Use of Ferrum phosphoricum for the following symptoms

  • Particularly effective for incipient flu-like infections with inflammation and fever
  • Proven for children with beginning middle ear inflammation.

Ferrum phosphoricum for iron deficiency

Due to the iron contained, the use of Ferrum phosphoricum in cases of iron deficiency or the resulting “anaemia” (iron deficiency anaemia) is obvious. According to the Schüßler doctrine, however, this salt is rather intended for the improvement or alleviation of disorders of iron metabolism. An iron deficiency anaemia (anaemia due to iron deficiency) is usually caused by an increased loss of blood, for example, by a heavily bleeding wound or in women through menstruation.

Alternatively, an iron deficiency is often caused by a long-term reduced iron intake, for example through an unbalanced or meatless diet. A good way to increase the body’s iron stores is to take appropriate tablets, of which a variety of different preparations (including those of plant origin) are available. Of course, treatment of iron deficiency with the Schüssler salt Ferrum phosphoricum can also be tried instead. However, it should be pointed out at this point that Ferrum phosphoricum contains a much lower concentration of iron than corresponding iron tablets. From a scientific point of view, iron tablets will therefore provide better acute help than ferrum phosphoricum in case of a diagnosed iron deficiency.

Active Organs

  • Paranasal sinuses
  • Immune System