Travel-related Illnesses – Overview

Disease Main spread Prevention
Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) tropical-subtropical areas in Africa, South America, the Caribbean, Asia and the Middle East do not bathe, dive, water-ski or drink from stagnant waters
Boutonneuse fever (Mediterranean tick-borne spotted fever). Mediterranean, East and East Africa, India Tick protection
Brucellosis (Malta fever and Bang’s disease) Malta fever: Mediterranean area, Africa, Latin America; Bang’s disease: tropics, temperate zone
Chagas disease Mexico, Central and South America Protection against predatory bugs
Chikungunya fever South and Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America (also Southern Europe, especially Italy) Mosquito protection
Chinese liver fluke (clonorchiasis) Asia; related species also in Eastern Europe Avoid raw, salted, smoked, dried and semi-cooked fish
Cholera S-America, SE-Asia, Africa Cholera vaccination; use only boiled water and cooked/fried food; hygiene (hands!!)
Dengue fever Mosquito repellent
Ebola fever Africa, Phillippines avoid close contact with infected persons and their body fluids
Spotted fever temperate zone worldwide control of lice; improvement of hygienic conditions; no vaccination possible
River blindness (Onchocerciasis) W and Z Africa, Central and South America Mosquito repellent
Yellow fever tropical Africa, Central and South America vaccination, mosquito repellent
Giardiasis (Lambliasis) Worldwide, esp. India, Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Italy
Hookworm disease and skin mole Worldwide, especially tropics and subtropics do not walk barefoot or lie in the sand
Hemorrhagic fever Tropics and subtropics Only yellow fever vaccine available; for other hemorrhagic fevers, exposure prophylaxis only
Japanese encephalitis temperate and tropical zone in East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Papua, New Guinea, and N Australia. Vaccination; mosquito repellent
Kala-azar (Visceral Leishmaniasis) Mosquito repellent, esp. after sunset
Lassa fever W-Africa Protect food from rats (carriers)
Legionnaires’ disease (legionellosis) worldwide, but especially in warmer countries Clean air conditioners, inhalers, shower heads, whirlpools regularly
Leprosy tropical-subtropical areas in Asia, Africa and S. America usually no risk of infection for travelers
Loa loa (Loiasis) tropical rainforests in W- and Z-Africa Mosquito repellent
Lymphatic filariasis Mosquito repellent
Malaria depending on pathogen: temperate zone, tropics resp. subtropics mosquito protection; chemoprophylaxis
Marburg fever Africa avoid close contact with infected persons and their body fluids
Anthrax especially in warmer regions with intensive livestock farming Avoid contact with (infected) domestic and farm animals; vaccination only for persons at risk
Oriental bubonic disease (cutaneous leishmaniasis) tropical-subtropical areas in Asia, Africa, Arabia, Central and South America, Southern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean region
Plague especially Africa, but also Asia and America Avoid contact with rodents; avoid longer stays and overnight stays in slums; chemoprophylaxis for persons at risk.
Phlebotomus fever (sandfly fever) worldwide, esp. Mediterranean region, Asia, S-America, Middle East, Southern Europe Mosquito protection
Relapsing fever subtropical and tropical areas, N-Africa, Asia, Middle East, S-America, gel. Southern Europe
Sleeping sickness tropical africa Mosquito repellent
Sindbis fever Scandinavia, Russia, Karelia, Africa, Asia, Australia Mosquito repellent
Roundworm infestation (Ascariasis) worldwide, especially in regions with poor hygiene standards pay attention to hygiene (hands!!), only use boiled water and cooked/fried food
Typhoid fever especially in warm countries with bad hygienic standards, especially Africa, S-America, Southeast Asia Vaccination, which however does not offer complete protection – pay attention to hygiene!
West Nile fever Mosquito repellent, especially in the evening and at night