Homeopathy | Treatment of fever blisters


There are a number of homeopathic globules that can be used for lip herpes. These include Sepia, Srium muriaticum, Rhus toxicodendron and Phosphorus. Many people use homeopathy for fever blisters, but it should be remembered that only medicines containing virostatic agents are able to stop the viruses from multiplying and prevent the infection from spreading.

How are babies and toddlers treated?

Whereas fever blisters are not serious in adults and usually heal without therapy, lip herpes in babies and small children should be treated immediately. The herpes viruses can be very dangerous for children under certain circumstances, as the immune system of small children is not yet fully mature and the viruses cannot therefore be adequately combated. The younger the child, the more dangerous is an infection with herpes simplex viruses.

Particularly in the first weeks of life, there is a risk that the viruses will spread throughout the baby’s body and infect the brain and internal organs. The typical cold sores on the lip usually only appear in older children from the age of five or six. In newborns and infants, the infection usually manifests itself in the form of mouth rot after initial contact with the herpes virus.

This is a painful, blister-shaped rash in the area of the oral cavity. The children can sometimes have high fever, refuse to eat or drink and suffer from severe bad breath. Due to the reduced drinking behaviour, there is a risk that the child will dry out (dehydrate), which is why parents must ensure that the child nevertheless drinks enough fluids.

If a herpes infection is suspected, the child should definitely be presented to a paediatrician who will prescribe medication with antiviral agents. To protect their children from infection with the virus, parents with fever blisters should take strict hygiene measures. Children should not be kissed under any circumstances and hands should be washed thoroughly before physical contact. Important information on this:

  • Herpes in babies – How dangerous is it? – Mouth rot in the baby
  • How contagious are cold sores