Hot roll | Therapy methods of physiotherapy

Hot roll

To carry out this form of moist heat supply, 3 towels are rolled up in a funnel shape and soaked with boiling water. In order to maintain the heat supply as long as possible, the towels are unrolled from the outside to the inside during application and dabbed or unrolled on the patient’s skin. This form of heat application has an intensive blood circulation-promoting and relaxing effect on muscles, connective tissue and psyche and is therefore often used as an accompanying treatment for complaints in the muscle system (see trigger point treatment). In addition, the hot roll is a useful preparation for respiratory therapy measures, as it has an expectorant effect in chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma or bronchitis.

Cold therapy

In medical terms, cold therapy is sometimes also called cryotherapy. Cold treatment = removal of heat as a long-term application with temperatures above 0° Celsius by applying cold compresses, cold cloths, alcohol, (external) curd packs.Short-term application in the form of so-called ice lollies or spray cryotherapy = withdrawal of heat with temperatures below 0° Celsius by the application of cold gas, crushed ice, (ice cubes into the food processor) whole body application by staying in a cold chamber (rheumatism center). In addition to its pain-relieving and decongestant effect on acute injuries such as pulled muscles or bruises, cold is also used to treat symptoms of overstrain such as tendonitis or bursitis.

Cold therapy is of great importance in the treatment of inflammatory joints in rheumatic diseases. Short-term application with ice causes a stimulation of muscle activity (musculature) and is used for the supportive treatment of paralysis symptoms. The duration of cold therapy differs according to the form of application, the disease and the area of application and should therefore be discussed with the therapist before home use.


Electrotherapy is the therapeutic application of various forms of current with the aim of stimulating blood circulation, inhibiting inflammation, relieving pain or activating muscle activity. Electrotherapy is used for acute or chronic pain and inflammation of various causes, for flaccid or spastic paralysis and for activation of weakened muscles. It is often used in combination with active forms of therapy in physiotherapy. I would like to mention in particular the use of the TENS unit, which the patient can use independently several times a day at home in the form of an easy-to-use handy device and which has proven itself especially in the treatment of chronic forms of pain. –>