How can the sebaceous glands on the nipple be expressed? | The sebaceous glands of the nipple

How can the sebaceous glands on the nipple be expressed?

Basically, it is rather advisable not to squeeze the blocked sebaceous glands yourself, as there is an increased risk of infection and scarring. However, if you absolutely want to do it yourself, you should observe some hygienic guidelines: First of all, the affected area should be washed thoroughly, preferably also with an antibacterial washing lotion. Then it is recommended to treat the skin with a steam bath with chamomile or with clean cotton cloths soaked in warm water.

This will slightly enlarge the pores and make them easier to squeeze out later. Afterwards the skin is carefully dabbed dry. Immediately before you come to the actual squeezing, you should disinfect your hands thoroughly to prevent inflammation.

It is best to press carefully from both sides without fingernails, as the pressure is distributed relatively evenly. This process is somewhat easier if you carefully prick the area with a needle sterilized over the lighter. Better than squeezing is suction with a 50mm syringe and of course sterile needle.

If clear liquid or blood leaks instead of pus, you should stop immediately. Finally, the affected area should be disinfected a second time with a skin-friendly agent.