How do you recognize a basal cell carcinoma? | The initial stage of the basal cell carcinoma

How do you recognize a basal cell carcinoma?

Basaliomas are only found on hairy skin, as they originate from stem cells in the hair follicles. Conversely, this means that basaliomas never grow in the area of the mucous membranes. Especially skin areas that are frequently exposed to UV radiation are predisposed e.g. face, hands, arms.

Externally, basal cell carcinomas are usually nodular with a pearl-like rim. In the surrounding tissue, vascular infiltrations are often visible. In the further course of the disease mostly central hangovers can be observed. In general, basaliomas grow very slowly. It can take months to years until they are even recognized.

At what point should you see a dermatologist?

In general, it is recommended to go to the dermatologist for birthmark checks on a regular basis, especially if there is a family history. Frequent UV exposure with insufficient UV protection also poses a high risk. Observed abnormalities of the skin should therefore be clarified if the previous exposure is known. If an abnormality, as described in the previous paragraph, persists for a long time, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.