How long are you not allowed to shower? | Duration of shingles

How long are you not allowed to shower?

The appearance of shingles does not mean that you should not shower for three to four weeks. In general, care should be taken to keep the affected area of skin as dry and as gentle as possible. However, hygienic measures should not be underestimated either. It is recommended to reduce normal showering habits somewhat and not to apply shampoos or similar to the skin area. In addition, zinc ointment should be applied to the skin after a shower so that the blisters dry out.

How long should I not do sports after shingles?

Basically, after shingles has healed completely, exercise is unproblematic as long as you feel fit enough. However, it is important to refrain from such activities as long as there are still blisters, since the primary goal of the therapy is to dry out these blisters. If you are now physically active and sweating, this prevents dehydration and allows bacteria to settle in these open and moist areas. Therefore, one should not start with sports too early, as this can prolong the healing process of shingles. In addition, shingles is always accompanied by a feeling of exhaustion and tiredness, which should be cured before you start to do sports again.

How long is there a risk of infection?

With regard to the risk of infection, shingles behaves like its predecessor, chickenpox. When the last blisters are dried out and encrusted, the danger of infection is over. The liquid in the vesicles plays a key role in this process: it contains the viruses that are transmitted on contact.

Contact with people who have already had chickenpox or even shingles is usually unproblematic. The disease is not transmitted to people who already carry the viruses and are immunized. However, care should be taken with people who have not yet had chickenpox and therefore do not have active protection against the viruses. If such a person comes into contact with the contents of the skin blisters, the viruses can be transmitted – which, however, does not cause shingles in the infected person, but chickenpox. In adults, severe cases can sometimes occur.