How Much Depression is Normal?

Grief in the face of loss or a depressed mood in the face of difficult life circumstances are part of the ups and downs of life and represent a healthy reaction to the sometimes bitter sides of life. But where does depressive mood end and where does depression in need of treatment begin? In order to be able to speak of a depressive illness, a number of other signs of illness must be present. In addition, these must persist for at least a period of two weeks. It is important to take depression seriously like other illnesses and to treat it consistently.

Depression or depressed mood?

Depressed in the colloquial sense, everyone is once. Experts call this “depressive mood” – and it is as much a part of life as feelings of happiness or “butterflies in the stomach“. It is important to draw the line between a depressive mood and depression that requires treatment, because if this line is not drawn, people suffering from depression will not be taken seriously in their suffering.

“Depression is a serious, not infrequently life-threatening illness that is accompanied by greater suffering than most other illnesses. For many sufferers, the condition is so unbearable that they wish they could go to sleep and never wake up. Out of their despair, they not infrequently carry themselves with the thought of taking their own lives” gives Prof. Ulrich Hegerl, psychiatrist at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, suicidality to consider.

When is depression in need of treatment?

The presence of depression requiring treatment should be thought of if, in addition to depressed mood, the following signs are also present:

  • A leaden heaviness and lack of strength, which leads to the fact that severely ill people can no longer take care of themselves
  • Appetite disorders with weight loss
  • Persistent sleep disturbances
  • Tendency to brood
  • A deep-seated inability to feel any joy.

Many sufferers experience themselves as petrified inside and are trapped in deep hopelessness. Some develop completely exaggerated feelings of guilt or the conviction that they are terminally ill.

Depression needs to be treated

On the basis of such signs of illness, it is usually very possible for the physician to distinguish a depressive illness from a comprehensible depressed mood in severe circumstances. Since depression is easily treatable with the help of psychotherapy and/or antidepressants, it is important that the diagnosis of “depression” is not overlooked.

The family doctor, a specialist (psychiatrist or neurologist) or a psychological psychotherapist are the right people to contact. An initial rough assessment can also be provided by a self-test on the subject of depression. Once the diagnosis has been made, it is advisable to find out more about the illness and its treatment.