Manual Therapy

Manual therapy (synonyms: manual medicine; manual medicine) is used to treat functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. It is a method that has been successfully practiced since the 19th century. Manual medicine includes not only treatment techniques but also special examination procedures.pain in the back, joints or muscles can have various causes. Often they are so-called blockages. The word “manual” comes from the Latin word “manus” – the hand. It is therefore a form of therapy in which the practitioner works exclusively with his hands (manual therapy). Manual therapy is performed by doctors or physiotherapists with special training.

Indications (areas of application)

  • Dysfunction in infants, which may be the cause of non-physiological postural and motor asymmetries and developmental delays.
  • Adjunctive treatment of children with infantile cerebral palsy.
  • Spinal problems
  • Lumbago/dorsalgia (back pain)
  • Arthralgia (joint pain)
  • Myalgia (muscle pain)

The procedure

Manual therapy, similar to chiropractic, is based on the knowledge that displacement of the vertebrae from their physiological (normal) position leads to irritation of the nervous system. This results in entrapments in the area between the vertebrae, which can be released by adjusting the vertebrae. Joints can also be treated in this way. In the case of such an irritation of the nervous system, one also speaks of a blockage of the spinal column. Blockages are often triggered by overloading during sports or lack of exercise due to predominantly sedentary work. But psychosocial factors such as stress or conflicts can also become a source of pain.The blockages can lead to myalgia (muscle pain), because the vertebra in its “wrong” position puts more strain on the surrounding muscles. If blockages are the cause of the muscle pain, it can be eliminated with professional procedures. Following the removal of the blockages, an individual rebuilding program must be carried out to prevent pain in the future.The back muscles must be strengthened to fix the spine. This can prevent blockages from occurring again.Possible subsequent therapy measures include:

Symptoms and complaints

If blockages exist, symptoms may include the following:

  • Movement restrictions
  • Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) – “lump in the throat”
  • Hearing disorders
  • Insomnia (sleep disorders)
  • Neck pain and headaches
  • Sweats
  • Pain in the back (lumbago/dorsalgia), joints (arthralgia), or muscles (myalgia)
  • Visual disturbances
  • Numbness, “tingling” sensation
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Tension
  • Vertigo (dizziness)

Course of treatment

After a thorough examination, the manual therapist can determine if blockages are the cause of your pain. An example of manual therapy is the manipulation of a blocked joint. Depending on the location of the blocked joint, the therapist will place you in a specific position. Using specific manipulations, the practitioner will return the joint to its original position with little force. Thus, healthy, pain-free joint function is possible again. Sometimes you will hear a cracking sound as the joint slides back into its physiological (physically healthy) position. This treatment is painless when performed by a trained therapist. The therapist may use other techniques in addition to manipulation. These include the soft tissue technique, which specifically relieves muscle pain, or mobilization, which restores more freedom and thus more mobility when movement is limited.


If the cause of your pain is a blockage, resolving it with a trained manual therapist can permanently eliminate your discomfort. For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out further individual therapy measures following the treatment in order to avoid blockages in the future.By eliminating the cause of pain, manual therapy helps you feel more comfortable and vital in the future.