How can sebaceous glands be removed? | Removal of the sebaceous glands

How can sebaceous glands be removed?

Various methods are available for the removal of sebaceous glands. A common method is surgical removal. The affected sebaceous gland is removed from the skin with a small incision.

This can then be sutured to achieve a cosmetically pleasing result. The incision is very small and therefore leaves at best a tiny scar. Another possibility for removing sebaceous glands is laser treatment.

This method also enjoys great popularity, as it provides very good results from a cosmetic point of view. It has few side effects and can be performed quickly. However, the laser method may only be used if the cause of the change in the sebaceous glands is known.

There must be no suspicion of a malignant change in the sebaceous gland. Should this be the case, surgical removal with subsequent examination of the removed gland under a microscope is necessary. Finally, professional peelings, for example fruit acid peelings, can also be used to treat congested sebaceous glands.

These are mainly used in the treatment of acne. Although they do not remove the sebaceous glands, they remove the blockage and thus prevent inflammation. Laser treatments have become an integral part of modern dermatology.

They can be used in many different ways and are continuously being improved, so that side effects and risks are becoming increasingly rare. Modern medical lasers can also be used for the removal of sebaceous glands. CO2 lasers or dye lasers can be used to treat sebaceous glands.

The treatment can be performed quickly and takes between 15 and 20 minutes. However, as with other medical treatments, laser treatment can also have side effects. After the treatment, the skin may be slightly reddened and sensitive.

The blazing sun should therefore be avoided for a few days. Even slight pain is not unusual. In rare cases, scarring disorders with relatively large scars may occur.

Laser treatments usually lead to a very good cosmetic result. Often, pulling ointments are recommended in various internet forums to treat congested sebaceous glands. We can only advise against this at this point.

They are not suitable for the removal of sebaceous glands or the treatment of blocked sebaceous glands. If you tend to have a coarse-pored skin texture and frequently clogged or enlarged sebaceous glands, you should use creams that have a degreasing and moisturizing effect. Such moisturizing creams are available from various brands.

It is best to obtain advice from a pharmacy. Oily ointment bases should be avoided as they can also lead to the blockage of other sebaceous glands. In case of acne, special creams prescribed by a dermatologist should be used.

They contain active substances such as topical vitamin A acid, Azelaic acid or antibiotics. Sebaceous glands are found throughout the body and are important for adequate protection of the skin against external factors. However, they can also become a nuisance if they are congested, form pimples or are enlarged.

There are a number of things that can be done to improve the appearance of your skin. Home remedies for the removal of a sebaceous gland do not exist, however. In most cases, however, a sebaceous gland does not need to be removed.

Clogged sebaceous glands can be perfectly cleaned with homemade peelings. Coarse sea salt and a little water are suitable for this. The skin can be massaged with the salt on the affected areas.

Then the salt is washed off again with clear, cold water.After the peeling, the skin should be nourished with a light, moisturizing cream. Another way to improve the appearance of the skin on the face is hot camomile steam baths. However, these tips only apply to moderately impure skin.

Proper sebaceous gland cysts, acne or other sebaceous gland inflammations should be treated by a doctor. Expressing sebaceous glands or cleaning with alcohol should be avoided at all costs. In case of doubt, painful inflammations can result.

However, there are no household remedies for the removal of a sebaceous gland. In most cases a sebaceous gland does not have to be removed. Clogged sebaceous glands can be cleaned very well with homemade peelings.

Coarse sea salt and a little water are suitable for this. The skin can be massaged with the salt on the affected areas. Then the salt is washed off again with clear, cold water.

After the peeling, the skin should be cared for with a light, moisturizing cream. Another way to improve the appearance of the skin on the face is hot camomile steam baths. However, these tips only apply to moderately impure skin.

Proper sebaceous gland cysts, acne or other sebaceous gland inflammations should be treated by a doctor. Expressing sebaceous glands or cleaning with alcohol should be avoided at all costs. In case of doubt, painful inflammations can result.