J2 Examination: Timing, Procedure, and Significance

What is the J2 examination?

The J2 examination is carried out at the age of 16 to 17. It includes a general physical examination, but also a detailed consultation. Some teenagers feel more comfortable talking to the doctor on their own – they don’t have to take their parents with them to the doctor’s appointment. As this is an additional preventive examination, not all health insurance companies cover the costs of the J2 examination.

J2 examination: procedure

First, the doctor examines the adolescent’s general state of health: He measures height and weight, listens to the heart and lungs and palpates the abdominal wall. As with the first adolescent check-up, a hearing and eye test, analysis of a blood and urine sample and an examination for postural defects and foot malpositions are also carried out. An important part of the J2 examination is also an in-depth consultation on various topics that are particularly important at this age:

  • Nutrition, exercise and diabetes prevention
  • Family and circle of friends
  • Sexuality and puberty
  • Career choice

What is the significance of the J2 examination?

The J2 examination offers the adolescent a final opportunity to receive advice and be examined before entering adulthood. The consultation with the doctor is particularly important and can provide the young person with competent answers to important questions as well as information on the prevention of illnesses and thus make a significant contribution to their independence.

If a more precise allergy diagnosis confirms an intolerance, the doctor will also inform the adolescent about allergy-related restrictions when choosing a career during the J2 examination.