Lachrymal sacs in women | What can be done about bags under the eyes?

Lachrymal sacs in women

Women’s skin in general is often described as thinner and more sensitive than men’s, and this is partly true. In particular, women probably tend to have conspicuous bags under the eyes, where the skin is already very thin and susceptible to disturbing factors. So a few hours too little sleep or one or two glasses too much in the evening can quickly become unpleasant in the face the next morning in the form of thick shadows under the eyes.

But don’t worry, rings under the eyes and bags under the eyes caused by stress, lack of sleep, alcohol or other environmental factors are usually only temporary and after a few minutes to hours the body and gravity will have taken care of the excess lymphatic fluid produced overnight, which is responsible for the bags under the eyes, and the face will look the same as before. If, on the other hand, the bags under the eyes rest on a gradual loss of elasticity of the connective tissue over the years, this is a completely normal symptom of old age and is just as much a part of us as small wrinkles and gray hair. From a medical point of view, therefore, the lachrymal sacs are of no relevance, yet many women find them disturbing for cosmetic reasons.

Fortunately, with the help of the numerous home remedies, it is possible to get by without having to take more serious steps such as injections or even surgical removal of the bags under the eyes. Often it already helps to keep the sensitive skin in the area under the eyes moist and to massage regularly a little bit gently to stimulate the lymph flow. You should also ensure a sufficient fluid intake and a rather moderate salt consumption, both of which have a positive effect on possible fluid retention in the body.Even the classic cool cucumber slices on the eyes and the quark mask are not without reason often recommended.

They provide the skin with the necessary moisture and also ensure a fresher and more relaxed appearance around the eyes. In general, you should take care not to expose yourself to too much stress and get enough sleep. If one pays attention to all this and if one practices oneself, if possible, in a somewhat more relaxed handling of one’s own body and the unrealistic beauty ideal for women dictated by the media nowadays, the tear sacs are no longer a big problem at all.

Contrary to the advertising, in which often dubious promises are made against lachrymal sacs and thereby usually products are praised, which contain the helping contents materials mentioned there only in minimum concentration, there are a few simple measures, with which lachrymal sacs are reduced.

  • The head should not lie too low during sleep, so that liquid cannot accumulate around the eyes overnight, which would otherwise cause swelling.
  • It is important to have a pleasantly cool room temperature in the bedroom (17 degrees is ideal) and to avoid air conditioning, which unnecessarily dries out the air, causing the eye area to suffer (dry eyes). Instead, you should sleep with the window open, which will help to prevent swelling of the eye area overnight, as sufficient blood circulation with oxygen-rich blood is guaranteed.
  • It is also important to ensure that the skin is sufficiently hydrated, which is guaranteed by drinking two to three liters of sugar-free beverages daily.

    Water or unsweetened tea is suitable for this purpose.

  • One should take care not to ingest too much salt with food, as this promotes the storage of water in the tissue.
  • Excessive stress and lack of sleep are poison to the skin around the eyes. So make sure to relax and get enough sleep in everyday life.
  • Ultima ratio is the surgical removal of the lacrimal sacs. Since, as with any surgical procedure, wound healing disorders, complications, infections, and scarring can occur, this step should be carefully considered, especially since the bags under the eyes are a cosmetic problem, but in no way medically relevant.

    Under certain circumstances it can even happen that the eye cannot close properly due to the tightening of the skin after the operation, which leads to the cornea drying out and the vision suffering as a result.

Cosmeticians and dermatologists offer the possibility of having lymphatic drainage carried out, which promotes the drainage of swelling-causing fluid from the eye area. In addition to the possibilities mentioned, it is always necessary to clarify that no serious illness is present. A visit to the family doctor is therefore advisable to rule out kidney disease, heart failure or allergies.

  • Instead of buying all sorts of creams with dubious ingredients, it makes sense to massage the skin with a metal roller applicator. Ideally, it should also distribute a highly concentrated hyaluron gel on the eye area, which is capable of creating an optical smoothness.
  • It is also possible to reduce the swelling with so-called cooling glasses, which are gel cushions in the form of glasses stored in the refrigerator, which can then be put on when needed (e.g. in the morning after waking up) and also have a soothing effect.
  • Household remedies such as cucumber slices, quark masks or cooled black tea bags have also proven their worth many times over to help reduce the swelling of the bags under the eyes.
  • The sensitive area around the eyes always needs sufficient moisture, which is why it is important to apply an appropriate moisturizing cream with high-quality (preferably silicone-free) ingredients, especially overnight. Here, too, highly concentrated hyaluronic acid, but also aloe vera and other natural ingredients have proven their worth.

The list of suggestions, ideas and well-intentioned tips against lachrymal sacs seems endless.

Many of them are aimed at providing the skin with sufficient moisture and using massages to tighten the connective tissue and thus promote the body’s own regenerative powers. In any case, it is not advisable to use hemorrhoid creams, even if you can often read about them on the Internet.These, when applied to the eye area, can cause unpleasant thinning and irritation of the skin, making the bags under the eyes even worse and dangerously irritating the eyes themselves.

  • For example, a face mask with cold curd cheese should achieve rapid results.

    Simply apply the quark generously and leave to work for half an hour.

  • Exercise generally gets the circulation going and ensures that blood and lymph remain in the flow and that undesirable water retention cannot occur.
  • The well-known tea bags on the eyes also have a proven effect. The tanning agents contained especially in green and black tea have a decongestant effect on the tissue and can soothe the bags under the eyes.
  • It is also often advised to rub sesame oil gently and extensively into the skin around the eye area and massage it. The oil is good for the skin and the massage promotes lymph drainage.
  • Also, cool cucumber slices can actually be effective against dark circles under the eyes and bags under the eyes.

    Simply apply for a quarter of an hour and try to relax the face as much as possible.

  • In general, you should also make sure that you drink enough fluids throughout the day. Water and unsweetened tea should be used first and foremost. As a guideline, about two liters a day are recommended.

As our grandmothers already knew: tea is good against dark circles under the eyes and tear sacs.

But not every type of tea is equally suitable. Black and green tea are particularly recommended, as these two types contain the most tanning agents that have a decongesting effect on the bags under the eyes. For such an easy to make tea compress, pour boiling water over the tea bag as usual and let it steep for about five minutes.

Then take the tea bags out of the cup and let them cool down a little. Once the tea bags have reached a comfortable temperature, place them on the eyes for about a quarter of an hour and let the tannins soak in. Homeopathy also offers numerous therapeutic approaches for rings under the eyes and tear sacs.

For example, acupressure helps the special acupressure points around the eyes. However, since this is a very sensitive part of the body, it is better to consult a specialist and refrain from self-treatment. Schüßler salts can also help against bags under the eyes.

Especially No. 6: Potassium sulfuricum and No. 10: Sodium sulfuricum are recommended.

There are also homeopathic creams which promote the lymphatic drainage and thus should counteract the development of lachrymal sacs. Among the globule preparations, especially the globules Secale corntum and Berberis are said to have a positive effect. However, since the homeopathic medicine chest is as numerous as it is versatile, a professional consultation with a specialist is always worthwhile.

The cosmetics industry offers a whole small universe of supposedly helpful creams, ointments and tinctures against dark circles and bags under the eyes. The most important main ingredients are mostly hyaluronic acid, urea in highly concentrated form, vitamin A, Q10, collagen and retinol. The latter offers the most promising prospects of success, but is often only contained in low concentrations and in few of the creams freely available on the market.

The active principle of hyaluronic acid is based on the fact that the acid refills the lacrimal sacs, so to speak, due to its enormous water-binding abilities and thus makes them disappear. In this case, however, one should take care not to get the cream into the eye itself, as this can lead to an unpleasant strong burning sensation. Collagen, on the other hand, tightens the elastin fibers in the connective tissue and thus makes the skin look younger, wrinkle-free and smoother.

In general, it can be said that the body’s own active ingredients are preferable to chemical ones, as they potentially have fewer side effects and are both better tolerated and absorbed by the body. The logic behind the idea of using hemorrhoid ointment as a miracle weapon against lachrymal sacs is the following: usually hemorrhoid ointment is used to contract the affected skin and thus tighten it. After all, what works well on the backside might just as well work on the face.

However, this is a fundamental error, as the effect of the hemorrhoid ointment is based on the fact that the dilated vessels contract and not the skin itself tightens.Since the dark circles around the eyes normally have nothing to do with dilated vessels, but are simply due to fat and water infiltration, the hemorrhoid ointment cannot be effective here. On the contrary, the substances often added to the cream can sometimes dry out the skin under the eyes sensitively and thus do more harm than good.