Treatment of swelling | Swelling after wisdom tooth surgery

Treatment of swelling

Swelling after wisdom tooth surgery is unavoidable in most cases because the surrounding tissue has been severely stressed and traumatized by the surgery. Cooling can, however, to a large extent positively influence the extent of the swelling and reduce its extent and duration. It also reduces the additional pain that occurs.

It is best to take prepared cool packs to the dentist to start cooling immediately after the treatment. It is important never to place the cool pack directly on the skin or mucous membrane.The skin could become hypothermic and additionally damaged. It is best to wrap a cloth around it.

You should not cool down all the time, but also take a break to protect your skin. Special care is required as long as the anesthesia is still effective and you would not notice a possible hypothermia. Heat should be avoided in any case.

Sport should also be avoided in the next few days. The swelling will go down when the wound heals well, so make sure the healing process is good and the wound should be kept clean. However, excessive flushing should be avoided in the first two days, otherwise the wound will not close properly and inflammation may occur.

In order to counteract and prevent swelling after the surgery there are cortisone preparations (e.g. Prednisolon), which can be prescribed by the dentist. These help to reduce the swelling during operations of a larger extent. However, these preparations are not usually needed and are only used for major surgery where greater swelling is expected.

There are also homeopathic remedies that are said to have a decongestant and pain-relieving effect.

  • Various cooling ointments, such as Arnica ointment or horse chestnut, are available in the pharmacy.
  • Arnica is also available in the form of globules, which can be taken three days before the wisdom tooth surgery (5 globules 3 times a day) to counteract swelling.
  • There is also bromelain (Bromelain-POS®), it is a purely herbal product and comes from the pineapple. It can be taken directly after the treatment to prevent or reduce swelling.

    The enzyme bromelain breaks down protein molecules and excess fluid from the tissue can be removed more quickly.

In addition to cooling with cool packs, there is also the option of using cold and damp cheek pads in the form of a cold wet washcloth. A washcloth with cold quark can also be placed on the swelling from the outside. A proven household remedy is the medicinal plant Arnica, mentioned above in the text.

As an ointment, gel or tincture it has a cooling and at the same time pain-relieving effect. But camphor can also be applied in the form of an essential oil and used against swellings. Additionally recommended for the treatment of swellings is Horse Chestnut, whose seeds contain aescin and promote blood circulation, thus encouraging the drainage of accumulated fluid in the tissue.