Lamisil Tablets | Lamisil®

Lamisil Tablets

Lamisil Tablets® also contain the fungicidal active ingredient terbinafine, which is used in salt form as terbinafine chloride. The tablets contain 125mg or 250mg Terbinafine as Terbinafine chloride and the appropriate dose and dosage form is determined by the doctor. Areas of application for the tablets are fungal infections of the fingernails and toenails caused by dermatophytes as well as severe fungal infections of the feet (Tinea pedis) and body (Tinea corporis) which cannot be treated adequately externally.

In the case of yeast infections of the skin (candidosis), the tablets are not effective, unlike externally applied Lamisil®. Lamisil Tablets® are available only on prescription and may only be used under a doctor’s prescription. Unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor, the usual dose is 1 tablet per day, taken either in the morning or evening unchewed with sufficient liquid.

The intake is independent of meals. The duration and dose of the treatment is individually determined by the doctor. In case of nail infection, the treatment usually lasts 3 months.

If the skin of the foot, the whole body and the lower legs are affected, the treatment lasts 4-6 weeks. An overdose of tablets manifests itself by headache, nausea, upper abdominal pain. A doctor should be consulted if these symptoms occur.

If you forgot to take the tablets, you should take them as soon as possible. If it is only 4 hours before the next tablet is due, do not take a double dose. It is not advisable to stop the treatment prematurely.

Due to lack of experience, children are not treated with Lamisil®. Special caution is required if the patients suffer from kidney or liver disease. The tablets should be discontinued if side effects such as impaired taste, blood count changes or aggravating skin reactions occur.