Laying on of Hands: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Even if the laying on of hands is today rather assigned to esotericism, it is nevertheless one of the oldest therapy methods of mankind. Several treatment methods from alternative medicine use the laying on of hands. Well-known methods are, for example, Reiki or Therapeutic Touch.

What is laying on of hands?

During the treatment, the patient can remain fully clothed. Direct physical touch is not mandatory, as both so-called touch and non-touch techniques are used. Healing by laying on of hands can be found in traditional medicine in almost every culture. Cave paintings show that laying on of hands was used for healing purposes almost 20000 years ago. The laying on of hands is a universal gesture that people associate with blessing and healing. Stroking and laying on of hands are also often the first reaction of parents when children have hurt themselves. The laying on of hands is also often combined with stroking, blowing on the painful or injured area, or with a prayer. Several methods of alternative medicine, such as Therapeutic Touch or Reiki, use the technique of laying on of hands. In most cases, the effect has not yet been scientifically proven.

Function, effect and goals

Therapeutic Touch is based on the assumption that the energy field of a person is formed in the body, but extends beyond the boundaries of the body. This energy field is in constant contact with its environment. Disturbances in the energy field are said to be able to cause disturbances on the physical level as well. The method was developed by two American nursing professors and was originally intended for use in hospitals. The aim of the method was and is to relieve stress, anxiety and pain and to stimulate the body to heal itself. During treatment, the patient may remain fully clothed. Direct physical touch is not mandatory, as both so-called touch and non-touch techniques are used. Therapeutic Touch can be used as a stand-alone treatment or combined with other measures. In the meantime, some studies prove the effect of the method. For example, children who were about to have an operation were more relaxed after a Therapeutic Touch treatment. Their skin resistance was lower and their pulse was lower. Patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease also showed fewer symptoms. The patients were clearly calmer and less aggressive. In Austria and the Netherlands, Therapeutic Touch is an integral part of nursing training courses and is also sometimes used by doctors. Reiki is also a variant of traditional laying on of hands. Reiki is the Japanese term for the universal life energy, but also refers to the method of energetic laying on of hands. Reiki is also intended to activate the self-healing powers of the body. Basically, anyone can learn the method. However, in order to work with Reiki, an initiation into the system is necessary. Here, not only the techniques of laying on of hands are taught, but also a connection between the spiritual world and the practitioner is to be established through a ritual. Traditionally, several initiations take place until the teacher training. In the first degree the Reiki channel is opened. In the second degree, the introduction to three Reiki symbols takes place. In the third degree, the master degree, an initiation to the so-called master symbol is performed. The fourth degree, the teacher degree, enables initiations of other persons. For each degree, one to four initiations are performed. Initiates then place their hands on various parts of the body and allow the Reiki energy to flow. In a full body application, the hands are placed on all major body parts for a few minutes at a time. Such a treatment takes about an hour. Self-treatment with Reiki is also possible. According to Reiki practitioners, the indications for Reiki are very diverse and range from allergies to digestive disorders. Jin Shin Jyutsu is also a variant of laying on of hands. Here it is assumed that there are 26 safety energy locks on the body. When there is too much stress, these locks close and energy blockages occur. By holding and laying hands on the points of the safety locks, they are to be opened so that the blocked energies can flow again. Jin Shin Jyutsu, like Reiki or Therapeutic Touch, is primarily intended to help people help themselves. The indications are similarly varied as with Reiki.

Risks, side effects and dangers

In principle, there are actually no side effects with the laying on of hands. The procedures are usually well tolerated and can be combined with other conventional or naturopathic forms of treatment without any problems. Some patients experience a tingling or warming sensation during treatment. Others report foul-smelling secretions in the days following treatment. It is possible that patients may experience an initial worsening of symptoms. However, these aggravations should only be temporary. It is important to note that the laying on of hands can in no case replace a conventional medical treatment. Thus, in case of any complaints, a doctor should always be consulted first, so that it can be clarified whether it is a serious illness or not. To use Reiki, Therapeutic Touch or other variations of laying on of hands as the sole therapy for life-threatening conditions such as bleeding, shock or even broken bones or other injuries is grossly negligent. Also, serious illnesses that have already been diagnosed, such as cancer, should always be accompanied by a doctor. Reiki, Therapeutic Touch or other forms of laying on of hands can be used concomitantly. In the case of psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia or psychosis, accompanying treatment with laying on of hands should also be urgently avoided. Even in pregnant patients, individual consideration should be given as to whether or not treatment is necessary.