Lose Weight and Build Muscle with Amino Acids

Especially for athletes, an additional intake of amino acids is very popular. Because so that muscles can grow faster as well as finally also remain, proteins are likewise considered as responsible. So it is just of bodybuilders or competitive athletes the desire with a targeted intake of certain amino acids to promote muscle building as well as training results possibly to improve.

Promote muscle building

In many cases, various retailers offer athletes powders as well as drinks with the promise that the muscles will henceforth sprout due to the amino acids they contain. Amino acids are indispensable for the body, but they are not miracle cures. Without exercise, even amino acids cannot conjure up the desired muscle growth.

However, the right combination of amino acids in appropriate concentrations can certainly have a supporting effect. Especially after an intense workout, the body is loaded significantly higher than before. Directly after such a stress phase, the body is able to absorb about three times the amount of amino acids in the muscle than before. In the regeneration phase, all the necessary amino acids should be present in the blood to possibly positively support muscle building.

Amino acids and fitness

Just immediately after training would therefore be an ideal time for athletes to supply the body with amino acids. Even directly before training, the additional intake of amino acids can be useful to potentially delay premature fatigue. However, experts recommend taking a close look at dietary supplements and checking the amino acid profile they contain.

At the same time, it is advisable to drink plenty of water when taking amino acids, as the body cannot utilize proteins in excessive quantities. These are then excreted as urea via the kidneys. In order not to burden the kidneys unnecessarily, and also to support them in their function, the body should be supplied with an increased amount of fluid at the same time.

Lose weight with amino acids

Not only for muscle building but also for losing weight, amino acids take an important role in various processes in the body. Certain amino acids may be able to specifically stimulate the organism to produce hormones that can provide support for fat burning. However, just as already mentioned with muscle building, no witchcraft should be expected with amino acids for weight loss.

To lose weight amino acids can be supportive in exact dosage. Prerequisite, in order to lose weight permanently as well as to convert fat into muscle mass, are however further sporty activity as well as a change of the nutrition. Amino acids, which can possibly have a supporting effect when losing weight, can be administered to the body either directly as food or also as a dietary supplement in powder or tablet form.

Carnitine from the synthesis of the amino acid lysine is particularly popular for weight loss. On the one hand, carnitine can promote muscle building, but at the same time it can also positively influence the burning of fat reserves in the body. This also includes the amino acid arginine, which together with lysine can support the growth hormone. This converts fat into energy during the regeneration process sleep.

Hunger feeling influenceable?

The amino acid phenylalanine can show effect on a hormone in the gastrointestinal tract, the so-called cholecystokinin. This is involved in the feeling of satiety, which means that the feeling of hunger can also be influenced.

Various hormones are also produced in the thyroid gland, which also play a role in fat loss. For this purpose, these hormones are constantly enriched to the blood. Thus they lead to an increase of the temperature in the body, to an increase of the cardiovascular system as well as a promotion of the fat dismantling and thus also to an increase of the basic conversion. In order for these important hormones to form in the thyroid gland, the amino acid tyrosine is crucial in addition to iodine.

Conclusion: also in the field of nutrition as well as for losing weight, it is necessary for the body to receive all the required amino acids in sufficient quantities on a regular basis.