Lymphatic diathesis is not a disease, but a constitutional predisposition that favors the development of certain diseases. This predisposition is also known as lymphatism or exudative lymphatic diathesis.
What is lymphatic diathesis?
Lymphatic diathesis is a concept more common in naturopathic medicine than in conventional medicine. Lymphatic diathesis is not a disease in its own right. It is a constitution. In the past, this constitution with excessive reactions of the lymphatic system was also called scrofula. The constitutional picture of lymphatism is characterized by the inability of the immune system to completely overcome infections. The focus is on repeated infections and inflammation in the lymphoid organs.
In modern school medicine, the clinical picture of lymphatism no longer receives attention. In naturopathy, it is suspected that lymphatic diathesis is a hereditary condition. The constitution always designates the individual totality of all hereditary dispositions and includes all innate characteristics. The so-called locus minoris resistentiae is also determined in these hereditary factors. This is the place of least resistance, so to speak the weak point of the organism. In lymphatic diathesis, this weak point is located in the immune system and in the area of the mucous membranes. In homeopathy, lymphatic diathesis also plays a role under the term scrofula. Scrofula is one of the great miasms. Miasms, from the point of view of homeopathy, can be hereditary or acquired. The miasms cause a malfunction in the energetic-dynamic system. This results in disturbances that show up in this energetic system as well as on the physical level.
Symptoms, complaints and signs
Lymphatic diathesis develops in the first months of life and usually ends with the onset of puberty. Initially, lymphatic diathesis in infants manifests itself, for example, in the form of cradle cap, weeping skin inflammation, or diaper eczema. Infants, on the other hand, suffer from dry eczema, urticaria or neurodermatitis. Recurrent inflammation of the mucous membranes and lymphatic organs is characteristic of lymphatic diathesis. The children often have colds. Tonsillitis is also recurrent. In addition, the young patients complain of earaches. The appendix is also a lymphatic organ. Children with lymphatic diathesis more often show irritation of the appendix. There may also be inflammation of the appendix. In such cases, the appendix must then be removed. In some cases, the children are sick so often that their development is disturbed. They learn to speak or walk later than other children and are often absent from school or kindergarten. The immune system of children is generally very active. Thus, even in healthy children, there is often swelling of the lymphatic organs. In lymphatic children, however, this activity exceeds normal levels. This is evident from constant swelling of the tonsils, irritation of the appendix, or even swelling of the spleen. The lymph nodes in the neck are enlarged and sensitive to pressure even without ongoing infection. The nasal polyps are also enlarged, and the nose is often blocked. As a result, nasal breathing is obstructed, leading to mouth breathing. As a result of middle ear infections and tympanic cavity effusions, secretions accumulate. This is why sinusitis often occurs. For normal development of teeth and jaws, it is important that children breathe mainly through the nose. Because of the constantly blocked nose, children with lymphatic diathesis breathe more through the mouth. This results in malocclusions of the teeth and jaws.
Diagnosis and course of the disease
The diagnosis of lymphatic diathesis is largely based on the patient’s medical history. Here, a predisposition to diseases of the lymphatic system can be determined. Children with a lymphatic constitution also tend to be pale, blond-haired, and blue-eyed. Thus, appearance can also provide clues to the diathesis. Iris diagnostics is a naturopathic procedure that can be used to diagnose diseases based on the eyes. It can also be used to detect lymphatic diathesis. People with lymphatic diathesis usually have blue eyes with a light ring around the ruff. This light ring is located in the lymphatic zone.However, iris diagnosis is not a scientifically recognized procedure.
As a rule, patients with this disease suffer from various complaints and diseases on the skin. In particular, inflammation and the development of itching occur. It is not uncommon for those affected to feel ashamed of the discomfort, suffering from reduced self-esteem or inferiority complexes. Similarly, tonsillitis or inflammation of the ears sometimes occurs. These are usually associated with severe ear pain, which can also spread to the head or neck. Likewise, the disease leads to appendicitis, in which the appendix must eventually be removed. Sufferers may also suffer from sinusitis, which significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life. The affected person’s jaw and dentition may also be improperly developed in some cases, causing discomfort when eating and drinking. Treatment usually involves various interventions and the use of medications. This can combat and alleviate inflammation and malocclusion relatively well.
When should you see a doctor?
Lympathic diathesis can cause a number of conditions and symptoms, so early evaluation is a good idea. Parents who notice signs of a corresponding predisposition in their child should watch for other warning signs and, if necessary, consult the pediatrician. At the latest when respiratory problems, skin changes, non-specific pain and other typical signs of a lympathic disorder appear, the doctor must be involved. Recurrent inflammations, swollen lymph nodes in the neck area and headaches or earaches must be clarified immediately. The same applies to diseases of the appendix, gastrointestinal complaints and signs of an organ disorder. If the child is treated early, further complications can be ruled out. For this reason, a medical diagnosis must take place as soon as the first symptoms appear. Treatment is carried out by the family doctor, an internist or a lymphologist. In addition, depending on the clinical picture, dermatologists, gastroenterologists, ENT physicians and ear specialists are consulted. The actual therapy takes place either in a specialized clinic or in the doctor’s office, depending on the severity of the respective disorder. Mildly pronounced disorders may be treated naturopathically.
Treatment and therapy
From a naturopathic perspective, the immune system should be supported in patients with lymphatic diathesis. Various phytotherapeutics such as chaparral or echinacea have immunostimulatory and immunomodulatory effects. For upper respiratory tract infections, plants such as marshmallow root, mullein, coltsfoot, or wild mallow can be used. Typical single remedies of classical homeopathy are Calcium carbonicum, Tuberculinum, Psorinum, Scrophularia nodosa or Kalium sulfuricum. An essential part of the human immune system is located in the intestine. A disturbed intestinal flora can weaken the immune system. With the help of probiotics, the patient’s intestinal flora should be built up and, if necessary, modified. This intestinal rehabilitation is often supplemented with a so-called elimination therapy. In naturopathy it is assumed that in the course of life metabolic waste products are deposited in various tissues of the body and hinder the metabolic processes taking place there. This is often referred to as slags. The aim of elimination therapy is to rid the body of these slags. For this purpose, excretory organs such as the kidneys, liver and skin are supported with complex homeopathics or herbal medicines. Nettle and goldenrod, for example, support the kidneys, while milk thistle and dandelion have a positive effect on liver function. From a scientific point of view, however, there is no indication for detoxification. Equally controversial is the renunciation of cow’s milk, which is recommended by many therapists in lymphatic diathesis.
Outlook and prognosis
It is not possible to give a prognosis for lymphatic diathesis because it is not a disease in its own right. Rather, it is a predisposition of humans that favors the development of certain other diseases. Therefore, it can be basically determined that people who carry the predisposition of lymphatic diathesis in their genetics will not experience any change in favoring the development of diseases.Nevertheless, it is not possible to predict the extent to which certain diseases will actually break out in the course of life. There are patients who have lymphatic diathesis but do not show any significant impairments in the course of their lives. In other people, however, there are severe health abnormalities and a reduction in the quality of life. The development of various inflammatory diseases can lead to a reduction in well-being. Nevertheless, it is not predictable how often these inflammations occur and what intensity they show. With a good and stable lifestyle, the complaints appear in a mitigated form. If the affected person avoids the consumption of harmful substances and follows a health-conscious lifestyle, complaints are often alleviated. Nevertheless, in many patients, despite all efforts, an intensive occurrence of the secondary symptoms can be documented. Developmental delay occurs in the growth process and the number of diseases is increased on average due to genetic disposition.
Lymphatic diathesis is congenital, so there is no means to prevent it. However, if lymphatic diathesis is known, the body can be specifically supported. It may be possible to prevent secondary diseases in this way.
The measures of an aftercare depend with a skin illness like the lymphatic diathesis strongly on the severity of the illness, so that thereby usually no general prediction can take place. First and foremost, those affected should have themselves examined by a doctor so that no further complications or complaints arise. The earlier this disease is detected and treated, the better the further course. Since some skin diseases are contagious, contact with other people should be avoided. A high standard of hygiene can also have a positive effect on the course of the disease and reduce the symptoms. In most cases, these diseases are treated by applying creams or ointments and by taking medication. Those affected should ensure regular use and the correct dosage in order to permanently alleviate the symptoms. Regular checks by a doctor are very important. In most cases, lymphatic diathesis does not have a negative effect on the life expectancy of those affected. Contact with other patients can also be useful in this regard, in order to exchange information about healing methods.
What you can do yourself
A lympathic diathesis should always be clarified by a physician. Accompanying medical treatment, those affected can relieve the symptoms with the help of some remedies from natural medicine. For example, various phytotherapeutics such as echinacea or cappelargonium have proven effective. Plants such as marshmallow root or coltsfoot also have a stimulating effect on the immune system. Mullein and arnica help with upper respiratory tract infections. In addition, homeopathy offers a number of individual remedies, including Calcium carbonicum and Kalium sulfuricum. Supportive probiotics can be used, as these protect the intestinal flora and help with discomfort. Other effective plants are nettle, goldenrod and milk thistle. The use of these remedies should be discussed with the responsible physician beforehand. In addition, it is important to determine the cause of the lympathic diathesis. Depending on the trigger, various measures are then useful. In general, a change in lifestyle is advisable. A strengthened immune system is less susceptible to illness and ensures a better sense of well-being. Accompanying this, attention must be paid to a healthy and balanced diet, which supports the medical therapy measures.