Lymphatic Drainage: Instruction

In medicine, lymphatic drainage has been recognized for about 40 years and is also covered by most health insurance companies. Here, lymphatic drainage is primarily used to treat lymphedema. This swelling of the tissues is caused by the storage of vascular fluid and can be relieved by careful massage.

Lymphatic drainage areas of application

In general, lymphatic drainage is primarily suitable for complaints associated with swelling and congestion such as sprains, strains, bruises, fractures and edema in rheumatic diseases. Gentle massage of the lymph nodes can also relieve pain in migraine and other neurovegetative syndromes.

However, under no circumstances should lymphatic drainage be used during acute infections, as this can spread bacteria in the body even faster. The treatment is also not recommended for acute eczema, asthma, heart failure, cancer and thrombosis.

Lymphatic drainage instructions

In general, lymphatic drainage should only be performed by a trained expert. Many beauticians also have training in lymphatic drainage. Here, the course should include at least 80 hours and provide not only theoretical but also practical knowledge. One session usually lasts between 20 and 60 minutes. Unlike classical massage, the aim here is not to stimulate blood circulation, so it should not hurt. Basically, lymphatic drainage is performed by gentle, circular movements. There are various grips and techniques that are performed evenly and rhythmically:

  • Standing circles: Place hands flat in the area of the lymph nodes and describe gentle circles with the palms in the direction of the feet. Repeat the grip several times, using little pressure.
  • Twist grip: place thumb flat, the remaining four fingers touch the skin with the tips. Now slowly circle in the course of the lymphatic pathways and repeat the paths several times.
  • Scoop handle: place fingers as above, but now circle in the opposite direction of the lymphatic pathways.
  • Ultrafiltrate displacement grip: press fingers firmly together and place the flat of the hand on the edema. Now for about 20-30 seconds, apply increasing pressure to the depth. This allows the edema fluid to drain through the bloodstream.
  • Windshield wiper grip: this technique can provide relief, especially in fibrosis. To do this, place your hands flat next to each other and open and close your wrists like windshield wipers.
  • Skin fold grip: this grip can also help to loosen fibrosis. To do this, lift a fold of skin with one hand, then press the thumb of the other hand against it. Now press the thumb down into the depth.