
The beginnings of chiropractic go back to the Middle Ages. Even then, people knew that there was a connection between pain, bones and joints, and nerves. Manual treatment of the spine has been practiced for centuries. The spinal cord is directly connected with the spinal column. Thus, not only it, but also our spinal cord – a part of the central nervous system – is exposed to the daily stresses of the back in everyday life. Chiropractic (synonym: chirotherapy) is the manual treatment of joints, especially in the spinal area, and the musculature. It involves the use of special handgrip techniques. It is based on the knowledge that displacements of the vertebrae from their physiological position lead to irritations of the nervous system. This results in entrapments in the area between the vertebrae – so-called subluxations, which the chiropractor releases by adjusting the vertebrae. Joints can also be treated chiropractically. In the case of such an irritation of the nervous system, it is also called a blockage of the spine. These blockages can be recognized by chiropractors and removed by special hand movements.

Symptoms and complaints

Often, people do not think of the spine as a possible cause when they experience symptoms and discomfort. Problems that can arise from a spinal block:

Causes of subluxations

Abnormal movement of the spinal bones.

Abnormal nervous system functions

  • Pinched nerve

Abnormal muscle function

  • Atrophy of muscles due to underuse
  • Hardening or cramping of muscles due to overuse

Abnormal soft tissue function

  • Intervertebral discs – may rupture, bulge or degenerate.
  • Ligaments, connective tissue – inflammation, swelling.

Abnormal function of the spine and body.

  • Hardening after disorders or injuries of the joints.


Determination of a blockage: In addition to the general anamnesis, which provides information about the medical history and current complaints, the manual examination is of fundamental importance. The following areas are examined:

  • Spine
  • Spinal joints
  • Reflexes
  • Back muscles

In normal joint movement, the end of the movement is fluid. If there is a blockage, the joint movement often ends abruptly. Tension or hardening of the deep back muscles can also cause blockage.


Releasing blockages – treatment is divided into several steps:

  • The patient is positioned so that the chiropractor has good access to the spine or joint.
  • He then seeks the appropriate area with his hands and applies tension there.
  • By means of a trial pull, it is tested whether a free movement of the vertebra or the joint back into the correct position is possible. The subsequent impulse helps the vertebra to return to its correct position.

This impulse is not always necessary. Sometimes the blockage has already been released during one of the previous treatment steps. Listed below are common problems caused by spinal blockage that can be treated by chiropractic.

Areas of application of chiropractic For blockages of the cervical spine

  • Cephalgia (headache)
  • Vertigo (dizziness)
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Visual disturbances
  • Pain in the face
  • Concentration problems
  • Insomnia (sleep disorders)
  • Heart trouble
  • Depression

For blockages of the thoracic spine

  • Shoulder pain
  • Pain in the upper abdomen
  • Pain between the ribs
  • Heart trouble
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Stomach and digestive disorders

For blockages of the lumbar spine

  • Pain in the kidney area
  • Intestinal cramps
  • Pelveopathy (abdominal discomfort in women that is persistent or recurrent over six months and is independent of sexual intercourse and menstrual cycle).
  • Prostate complaints
  • Groin strain
  • Hip discomfort
  • Thigh pain
  • Leg or knee pain
  • Foot complaints


Chiropractic helps the body to heal itself. The practitioner simply provides impulses, allowing the body to regenerate itself. Chiropractic can eliminate pain gently and naturally. It thus helps you to feel better and enjoy life more, and helps to significantly improve your quality of life.