General measures
- Aim for normal weight! Determination of BMI (body mass index) or body composition by means of electrical impedance analysis and, if necessary, participation in a weight loss program supervised by a doctor
- BMI ≥ 25 → participation in a medically supervised weight loss program.
The following vaccinations are advised:
- Pneumococcal vaccination
- Flu vaccination
Radiatio (radiation therapy)
- If the meningioma cannot be completely removed surgically, radiation must be used to try to destroy the tumor remnants. If the meningioma is ultimately completely destroyed, the recurrence rate (reappearance of the tumor) also decreases.
Radiosurgery (radiosurgery)
- Fractionated stereotactic irradiation (single-time irradiation) – by linear accelerator or gamma knife (radiosurgical radiotherapy device for irradiation of intracranial processes).
- Indications:
- Tumor size
- Complex meningiomas
- Sufferers with increased risk of surgery
- Localization to radiation-sensitive organs (optic nerve, pituitary gland).
- Tumor size
- Advantages:
- Precise destruction of the tumor
- Low stress on the adjacent tissues
- Indications:
- Stress management, if necessary
- Detailed information on psychosomatics (including stress management) can be obtained from us.