

Methylergometrine is commercially available as a solution for injection (Methergin). Distribution of the drops was discontinued in 2011 and that of the dragées in 2018.

Structure and properties

Methylergometrine (C20H25N3O2, Mr = 339.4 g/mol) is a semisynthetic derivative of the natural alkaloid ergometrine. It is present in the drug as methyl ergometrine maleate.


Methylergometrine (ATC G02AB01) is a uterotonic and acts directly on uterine smooth muscle to increase baseline tone, frequency, and amplitude of rhythmic contractions.


  • Active management of the postpartum period to promote placental abruption and decrease blood loss.
  • For the treatment of uterine atony/uterine hemorrhage during and after the postpartum period; during cesarean section and after abortion.
  • For the treatment of subinvolutio uteri, lochiometra and postpartum hemorrhage.