Middle Ear Infection: Symptoms

What are the symptoms of otitis media?

A middle ear infection (otitis media) usually announces itself through typical symptoms: Signs of an acute illness are sudden onset and severe ear pain. They occur in one or both ears.

Sometimes it happens that the eardrum ruptures. In this case, pus and slightly bloody discharge run out of the ear. Often in this purulent otitis media the earache then disappears abruptly.

In addition to these characteristic symptoms of a middle ear infection, there are other signs that are less clearly indicative of otitis media.

How else can you recognize a middle ear infection?

  • Fever (especially in young children)
  • Fatigue and severe feeling of illness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Jaw pain when pain radiates to other areas

Apart from this, in many cases, middle ear infections show symptoms of a cold, which is often the cause of middle ear infections. These include symptoms such as cough or cold.

Course of the disease

The age of the patient plays a role and influences otitis media symptoms. Adults, for example, are less likely to have a fever than children. In turn, the latter generally show symptoms of otitis media such as fever, increased irritability and constant touching of the affected ear.

In young children, symptoms often manifest differently than in adults. Learn everything about otitis media in children and babies here.