
Tramadol is a drug for the treatment of pain, a so-called analgesic. Among the various types of painkillers it is classified as a so-called opiate. The best known representative of opiates is morphine.

Tramadol (Tramundin®) is less effective than morphine and is used for moderate to severe pain. The cause of the pain does not play a role and thus pain during and after operations, chronic pain of various causes or pain caused by tumors can be relieved. It is also important to keep in mind that tramadol only combats the symptom pain and does not eliminate the cause of the pain.

Tramadol and its siblings from the opiate family act on so-called opiate receptors. These are located along the pain-conducting nerve tracts in the body, here mainly in the spinal cord and brain. The body itself also forms a type of opiate, the so-called endorphins.

In the case of serious injuries, these ensure that the body inhibits its own pain pathways and the pain does not become too great. Only these endorphins ensure that people do not notice their injuries properly after serious accidents or that women can survive a birth without passing out from pain. By the administration of additional opiates as a drug, this system is maximally activated and the pain does not reach the brain at all or is additionally weakened there. Tramadol is the only opiate which, in addition to the typical opiate effect, also causes a change in the important substance serotonin in the brain. The pain is further relieved by an increased serotonin content.

In what forms is Tramadol available?

Tramadol (Tramundin®) is available as a drug in various dosage forms. The most widespread are certainly the tramadol drops. However, tablets are also available.

The tablets are often supplied in the so-called retard form. Retard form means that the tablet is coated with a protective layer against gastric acid and the active ingredient is only released very slowly in the small intestine. This ensures a long-lasting effect of tramadol.

The normal tablet form, on the other hand, works very quickly, but only for a very short time and is therefore often used against so-called “pain peaks” during sudden strong pain attacks. Effervescent tablets or suppositories are also available for children and adults. In an acute emergency, Tramadol can also be injected directly into the vein or muscle.