Mineral Rich Diet

Humans need water, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals to live. Special attention should be paid to minerals, because although they perform so many different functions in our bodies, many people do not know what minerals actually are and what we need them for. Minerals are involved in life in two ways: The organism needs them as building blocks, for example for teeth and bones, and they perform important tasks in the body, such as managing many metabolic processes. Find out below why minerals are so important to our health.

Definition: what are minerals?

Minerals are inorganic substances and compounds that are essential to human life. The body cannot produce them itself, but needs them for many functions. They must be supplied with food – they are therefore called essential food components. Minerals are divided into bulk and trace elements – depending on the quantity in which they occur in the body. If the concentration exceeds 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, they are referred to as bulk elements, otherwise as trace elements.

What counts as minerals?

The body needs a variety of different minerals. The amount needed determines whether a mineral is counted as a bulk or trace element. The following lists show which minerals belong to which of the two groups.

List of bulk elements

The bulk elements, of which our bodies require comparatively larger amounts, include:

  • Chlorine
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Phosphorus
  • Sulfur

List of trace elements

Among the trace elements of which our body needs only small amounts are counted:

  • Arsenic
  • Chromium
  • Iron
  • Fluorine
  • Iodine
  • Cobalt
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Molybdenum
  • Nickel
  • Selenium
  • Silicon
  • Vanadium
  • Tin
  • Zinc

Importance of minerals in the body

Minerals are of particular importance for our health, because they perform many important functions in the body and are involved in a wide variety of processes. Even tiny amounts have their place. Whether in the body structure, its physical structure or in the constantly running metabolic processes: Without minerals, nothing works in the long run. An undersupply or oversupply of minerals can have fatal consequences. However, the organism has numerous methods at its disposal to first compensate for possible deficiencies. The same applies to overdoses, if they occur for a short time. That is why deficiency symptoms or an oversupply of minerals are very rare in a balanced diet. Of course, however, there are exceptions.

Task and function of minerals

Minerals are not energy carriers, but they influence almost all processes of metabolism. As enzyme and hormone components, they regulate various processes. Their presence in the organism is vital. Here are some examples of the function of various minerals:

The minerals influence each other. Long ago, not every function, every effect, every interaction sufficiently researched to be able to explain it exactly, because only in the balanced totality of all building blocks, the human organism functions perfectly. 10 foods with mineral power

Determine the right dose

For the correct dose of minerals and the recommended daily allowance, the German Nutrition Society provides guidance in the form of tables, which are now supplemented by the European Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs). However, the recommendations for the respective daily allowances of minerals are only guidelines.Nor can they be more, since individual metabolic processes play the decisive role. It is therefore very difficult to define how high the personal requirement actually is in order to be optimally supplied. Some people have an increased need for minerals and should therefore pay attention to an increased supply. For example, athletes need a particularly large amount of magnesium, which contributes to energy production in the cells. However, it is still not recommended to take additional mineral supplements (dietary supplements) only on suspicion or out of concern for malnutrition. More and more studies indicate that an overdose of minerals can also be harmful. Vitamin and mineral tablets are therefore best taken only after consulting a doctor.

Recognizing mineral deficiencies

Mineral deficiency is not easy to detect. It is almost impossible to assess for yourself whether you have an adequate supply of all minerals or are suffering from a deficiency. For example, the daily requirement of selenium for adults is given as 60 to 70 µg. No one can check for themselves whether they are consuming this amount through their diet. There are also few signs in well-being that indicate an unhealthy dosage of minerals. Mostly the cause is complex. Among typical deficiency assumptions widespread in society are:

  • Iron deficiency
  • Iodine deficiency
  • Magnesium deficiency
  • Calcium deficiency

By means of blood samples, such a mineral deficiency can be analyzed quite well. Time the blood test that there is actually a deficiency, it can usually be easily compensated for by appropriate foods or supplements.

What is the function of the individual minerals?

Minerals perform different tasks in the body, and they are also mutually dependent on each other and influence each other in their effect. We present some examples of minerals and their function below.

The task of potassium in the body

Potassium belongs in every cell of the body. There it regulates the “osmotic pressure.” It influences water balance and blood pressure. Likewise, the mineral participates in heart and muscle activity and in the breakdown of carbohydrates and thus also in the energy supply. The body needs 4,000 milligrams of potassium daily. Potassium is found in meat and fish products, fruit, vegetables and all cereal products. Potatoes, cereals, avocados and nuts are rich in potassium. But also mushrooms, eggs, lamb’s lettuce or peas provide potassium. The body regulates the level of potassium in connection with sodium very precisely. Both substances should be present in the right ratio. If too much sodium is supplied, increased doses of potassium are excreted. The hormone aldosterone is responsible for this. If there is a deficiency, this may be recognized by fatigue, muscle weakness, sluggishness of the bowels, increased pulse or cardiac dysfunction. Caution is advised when taking a variety of medications that affect potassium balance. Reaching for a supplement tablet can quickly create a dangerous excess. Such an excess of potassium can trigger symptoms such as diarrhea, headaches or cramps, but also cardiac arrhythmias up to ventricular fibrillation.

Calcium for the bones

Calcium and bones belong together, almost everyone knows that by now. The mineral is not only important for building bones, but also for their constant renewal. But it is only in the presence of vitamin D and phosphorus that calcium is processed by the body. Acute, prolonged calcium deficiency leads to so-called decalcification. If there is no calcium for blood clotting as well as nerves and muscles or organ functions, the body takes it from the bones. In children, this results in bone deformation, and in adults it is referred to as osteoporosis. From middle age onwards, however, the simple supply of potassium is no longer sufficient to counteract bone loss. Only a bone that is also regularly loaded maintains its stability. Because of its solubility, calcium is also found in liquid foods such as milk and (mineral) water. Dairy products are important suppliers of the mineral. Just one liter of milk covers the daily requirement of about 1,000 milligrams. Nuts and green foods are also rich in calcium. These include spinach, broccoli, leeks or kale.If there is too much calcium in the metabolic cycle, i.e. it can neither be processed nor excreted, there is a risk of kidney stones or calcification, or even a heart attack. At the same time, the absorption of other minerals such as iron or magnesium is impeded.

Magnesium: importance for the metabolism

Magnesium has an important significance for the body. In hundreds of metabolic processes magnesium plays a role. Protein synthesis, electrolyte balance or cell division are just a few examples. Magnesium can also help against allergies because it prevents the release of the neurotransmitter histamine. Typical signs of a magnesium deficiency can be nocturnal muscle or calf cramps, imbalance, concentration disorders or cardiac arrhythmias. Diagnosing a toxic deficiency in time is difficult, even for laboratory tests. The problem: Here, too, the body obtains supplies from silent reserves, so that there appears to be enough in the blood. The body obtains magnesium from fruits and vegetables, grain products and legumes. Pumpkin seeds, nuts – especially cashews – and dark chocolate, bananas and Emmental cheese are also considered good sources of magnesium. Some (few) mineral waters also contain a notable dose. A guideline (depending on age and gender) is 300 to 400 milligrams daily. If you suspect a magnesium deficiency, it can help to rethink your eating habits and – in consultation with your family doctor – your medication consumption. Acid blockers, for example, significantly hinder magnesium absorption. Other medications also hold mineral traps in store.

Sodium: deficiency rather rare

Together with potassium, sodium regulates the formation of electrical impulses. Nerve signals are transmitted as sodium flows into and potassium flows out of cells. Numerous enzymes require sodium, which is also important for balanced water consumption. However, sodium consumption has fallen into disrepute. This vital mineral is a component of salt and, when consumed in excess, contributes to high blood pressure. In salt, sodium has formed a compound with chloride. Hence the name sodium chloride. By the way, stomach acid needs chloride for its function. The daily dose of about 1,500 milligrams is usually exceeded. The culprits are often industrially processed foods that contain too much salt in total.

Foods rich in minerals

Eat healthy! This life wisdom is as well-worn as it is true. The most important thing is to eat as balanced as possible and from fresh ingredients, avoiding convenience foods and fast food. If all foods end up on the table in a varied way, one does not have to worry about the mineral supply as a rule. All of them contribute to a balanced mineral balance, albeit in varying concentrations. 10 foods that are particularly rich in minerals, we present here.

4 Tips for a diet rich in minerals

The following tips can help you eat a healthy diet rich in minerals:

  1. Also, make sure to use as few processed ingredients as possible: White flour, for example, contains hardly any valuable nutrients, because the minerals are mainly found in the marginal layers of the grain and are sifted out during the production of white flour. It is therefore recommended to pay attention to the type number when buying flour: The higher the type number, the more proportions of the healthy grain husk are included.
  2. Also in fruits and vegetables, the most important nutrients are often found under the skin: therefore, it is recommended to eat apples and cucumbers simply with peel and to cook potatoes unpeeled.
  3. Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices or fresh smoothies are also a tasty way to provide your own body with sufficient minerals and vitamins.
  4. Fish and lean dairy products should complement the diet.