Movicol for Chronic Constipation

This active ingredient is in Movicol

The drug contains several Movicol active ingredients: potassium chloride, macrogol, sodium chloride and sodium hydrogen carbonate. All these substances produce a saline solution that has an osmotic effect. In case of constipation, too much water is reabsorbed from the intestine and feces remain in the intestine. The Movicol effect is based on the administration of an osmotic saline solution that is difficult to absorb and increases the osmotic pressure in the intestine so that the water cannot leave the intestine. Furthermore, it binds water and transports it to the colon. This results in a slight liquefaction of the stool, the internal pressure is increased and the feces can be discharged.

When is Movicol used?

The drug is suitable for the treatment of chronic constipation (constipation) and for the treatment of coprostasis. Movicol V is recommended for this treatment.

What are the side effects of Movicol?

If you experience increased weakness or tiredness and breathlessness, please consult your doctor immediately.

What you should keep in mind while using Movicol

Usually the application lasts two weeks. Reasons for prolonged use could be, for example, other medicines taken at the same time that cause constipation. In case of prolonged use, the dosage can be reduced if necessary.

It is recommended to take one Movicol sachet once to three times a day. This depends on the severity of the constipation. To take, stir the Movicol powder into about 125 ml of water until it is completely dissolved.

Movicol Junior is suitable for children from two to eleven years of age. Between the completed second and the sixth year of life, children take one sachet once a day. Children from seven to eleven years of age may take two sachets daily.

Since Movicol action mainly affects the intestine, the drug should not be used in:

  • intestinal stenosis or intestinal obstruction
  • risk of intestinal perforation
  • severe inflammatory bowel diseases

Furthermore, the drug must not be used by patients who are allergic to active ingredients and ingredients. An allergic reaction may manifest itself as a severe skin reaction or severe respiratory distress. If an allergic reaction is suspected, consult a doctor immediately.

Before using other medications of this necessarily consult with the doctor, especially antiepileptic drugs can reduce their effect while taking.

Movicol may be taken only by children and adolescents over twelve years of age and adults.

How to get Movicol

Complete information about this drug

Here you can find the complete information about the drug as a download (PDF)