Muscle contusion | Pain in the front thigh

Muscle contusion

If you receive a strong blow on the front thigh during sports or other activities, it is possible that the quadriceps muscle has suffered a contusion. In this case, the great force applied causes a bruise between the muscle fibers. Swelling and hardening of the muscles may also occur.

Immediately after the injury, the affected muscle is already very painful and restricted in its movement. Muscle contusion should also be treated immediately according to the PECH rule in order to minimize the symptoms. It is important that the harmless muscle contusion is distinguished from a fracture, as the symptoms are often similar.

An X-ray can provide information about the bone conditions. A contusion is a long-lasting injury that often causes pain even after weeks. It is important for the healing process that the affected muscle is not reloaded too early.

Sore muscles

If you put more strain on your muscles than you usually do, you may suffer from sore muscles. Sore muscles are more likely to occur if you have performed sudden movements. The front of the thigh is often affected by sore muscles after jumping, going downhill or skiing.

The pain in the thigh usually occurs one day after the strain. It is caused by cracks in the Z-disks, which are separations that separate individual contractile units at the cellular level. These tears cause swelling and inflammation, which is perceived as pain. If a sore muscle has occurred, it helps to warm and gently massage the affected muscles, thus stimulating the blood circulation and speeding up the healing process. In general, sore muscles occur less frequently if a good warm-up phase is carried out before the sport.

Herniated disc of the lumbar spine

Pain in the front thigh can also occur with a herniated disc in the lumbar region. In this case, the affected disc is usually located at the level of the third or fourth lumbar vertebra (herniated disc L3/4). The pain radiates into the entire front thigh and can also extend further down to the ankle.

In addition to sensitivity disorders, the quadriceps muscle may also be weakened. Herniated discs of the lumbar spine should definitely be diagnosed and treated by a doctor. There are numerous possibilities, ranging from conservative therapy, which includes painkillers and physiotherapy, to various surgical treatment options.

In most cases, however, herniated discs in the lumbar spine are located in lower segments, from where the pain radiates to other leg regions. A herniated disc with associated pain symptoms in the front thigh is therefore rather rare. If you suspect a slipped disc as the cause of your pain in the front thigh, we recommend our topic: Slipped disc of the lumbar spine