Strain | Pain in the front thigh


Strains often occur when you suddenly make fast and powerful movements during sports without having warmed up properly or when you overstrain your own muscles during sports and the tired muscles lack the strength to survive the strain without damage. The pain of a pulled muscle increases during the sporting effort, a burning sensation develops in the muscle, which is most noticeable in tension and pressure. At rest, one usually has no or very little pain.

Strains in the front thigh often occur during soccer, when the player shoots hard and overstrains his muscles. If a strain has occurred in the front thigh, the sporting activity should be stopped and the PECH rule should be followed. In the case of a strain, the sporting activity should be paused until the muscles are no longer painful; this may well take a few days. During this time, however, it is advisable not to keep the affected thigh completely still, but to make slight movements. This promotes healing of the pulled muscle.

Common causes of pain in the front thigh

After hip surgery

If you suffer a torn muscle fibre in the front thigh during sport, this is usually accompanied by a sudden stabbing pain in the front of the thigh during exercise. Here, too, there is an increased risk in sports that put strain on the front thigh musculature, for example by stopping or accelerating strongly. A torn muscle fiber is accompanied by swelling and bruising over the affected muscle.

If a muscle fiber tear has occurred, the athletic load should be stopped, as with the strain. If a torn muscle fiber has really occurred in the front of the thigh, the athlete will in any case hardly be able to continue to perform round movements, as the pain forces him to adopt a relieving posture. An initial self-treatment should be started quickly, based on the PECH rule.

The healing of a torn muscle fibre takes longer than that of a pulled muscle and can take several weeks. The muscle heals with scarring, but once a torn muscle fibre has appeared in the front thigh, more attention should be paid to always warm up the muscle well, as the scarred muscle can potentially tear again more easily. In this context, it is also important not to put too much weight back on the muscle too soon after the injury, as a muscle that has not yet healed can easily tear again.