Muscle Strain: Symptoms, Treatment & More

Brief overview

  • Symptoms: Pulling, cramp-like pain in the muscle, pain when stretching and straining the muscle.
  • Treatment: Discontinuation of sporting activities, cooling, pressure bandage, elevation of the affected limb, rest
  • Course of disease and prognosis: Good with appropriate rest, light training usually possible after one to two weeks
  • Cause and risk factors: Unnatural movement sequences, overloading, lack of warming up before sport, untrained muscles
  • Prevent: Extensive warm-up before sports, dynamic mobilization exercises.

What is a pulled muscle?

What is a pulled muscle? This refers to a pulled muscle, which is one of the most common sports injuries. But also in everyday life it happens from time to time that one pulls a muscle by an unnatural movement or an acute overload.

From muscle strain to muscle tear

The injury is even more pronounced in the case of a muscle bundle tear. In this case, an entire muscle fiber bundle is torn. In extreme cases, if the entire muscle is completely severed, this is called a muscle tear.

What are the symptoms of a muscle strain?

A muscle strain manifests itself in pulling, cramp-like pain that usually develops slowly and gradually becomes stronger. The (sporting) activity usually has to be interrupted. Stretching and tightening the pulled muscle hurts.

How can a muscle strain be treated?

Doctors treat a pulled muscle conservatively. When asking the question: “Muscle strain – cool or warm?” it is advisable to follow the first aid measures according to the PECH scheme:

  • Rest: stop sporting activity and rest the muscle
  • Ice: cool the injured area for ten to 20 minutes (e.g. with an ice pack or a cold compress).
  • Compression: apply elastic pressure bandage
  • Elevate the injured extremity

Once the pain subsides after the acute phase and the increased tension in the muscle subsides, it is okay to gently move the pulled muscle again. Gentle, light stretching exercises (i.e., no short bobbing movements) are recommended.

Especially for professional athletes, a pulled muscle is often treated further, such as with lymphatic drainage, electrotherapy, tape dressings or massage.

How long does a muscle strain last?

Strained muscle: duration

A pulled muscle generally heals without problems. Sometimes the duration varies in individual cases. Sometimes the muscle recovers within about four to six days, allowing light training. However, it is sometimes necessary to rest for one to two weeks.

What are the causes and risk factors of a pulled muscle?

Various factors favor a muscle strain or other muscle injury. These include, for example, a lack of warm-up before sport, an overload of tired muscles, insufficient training condition, a lack of fitness or the wrong footwear.

No tissue damage

How can a muscle strain be diagnosed?

If a muscle injury such as a strain is suspected, the doctor first inquires about the symptoms and the mechanism of injury. Possible questions to ask include:

  • How did the injury happen?
  • Where exactly do you have pain?
  • Do you have any other complaints?

How can a muscle strain be prevented?

There are a few measures that can be taken to prevent muscle strain, especially during sports. First and foremost, it is important to warm up the muscles thoroughly before the sporting activity. Among other things, so-called proprioception exercises are also suitable, for example on a wobble board.