Causes | Adrenal Inflammation


An inflammation of the adrenal glands with the consequence of adrenal insufficiency is caused by an immune reaction in which antibodies are formed in a hitherto unexplained way, which attack the adrenal cortex and destroy it. Normally, antibodies are formed to eliminate harmful pathogens that can infect the body. The production of antibodies that attack the adrenal cortex occurs for no apparent reason.

The disease can therefore affect anyone and people of any age can get it. Statistically speaking, however, women are more frequently affected. In rare cases, a so-called Addison crisis can occur.

Untreated, because probably not yet diagnosed, adrenal insufficiency leads to an acute drop in the messenger substances that are normally produced by the adrenal gland. Such a drastic drop of these hormones can have life-threatening consequences for the affected person and should be treated as soon as possible. The exact background of the development of adrenal insufficiency caused by such an inflammation is not fully understood and is the subject of numerous research projects around the world.


An inflammation of the adrenal glands, which causes the organ to become insufficient, cannot be cured in principle. Nevertheless, the disease can be treated very well by consistently taking medication. If the disease is treated correctly, affected persons reach a normal age and usually free of symptoms.

The therapy consists primarily of the substitution of hormones, which the adrenal gland can no longer produce on its own due to the prevailing inflammation.Drugs can be taken which mimic the effects of cortisol and aldosterone in the body and thus can help the affected persons well. The timing of the medication is important, as the adrenal gland usually releases the hormones into the blood at certain times of the day. For example, the drug containing the active ingredient hydrocortisone should be taken in the morning and evening.

The drug which replaces the effect of aldosterone is called fludrocortisone and is usually taken in the morning. Since the human body would produce more cortisol in stressful situations, an adjustment may be necessary. For this reason, patients with the disease should have close monitoring by their treating physician.

To ensure that rescue workers are aware of the presence of the disease in an emergency, it is advisable to carry a so-called Addison Pass. Treatment for Addison’s disease should be carried out by doctors in hospital. In order for the affected person to be monitored, he or she should spend a few days in hospital for observation.