

Nasic®, known as the classic nasal spray, is a drug of the Klosterfrau brand for use in the nose. It contains the active ingredients xylometazoline and dexpanthenol. The drug solution is distributed in the nose in the form of a spray mist via a system that is introduced directly into the nose. Nasic® is a pharmacy-only drug and can therefore only be purchased from a pharmacy by qualified personnel. Children and adolescents can obtain Nasic® on prescription from their treating physician, while adults must pay for the medication themselves.

Active ingredient and application

Nasic® belongs to the group of decongestant nasal sprays and contains a combination of active ingredients: xylometazoline, which constricts the small vessels in the nose and thus has a decongestant effect on the mucous membranes, and dexpanthenol, which protects the mucous membranes and promotes wound healing. The effect sets in after a few minutes and for a maximum of eight hours. The most common area of application for Nasic® is the classic congested nose or the common cold.

Furthermore, Nasic® is also used for symptomatic therapy of nasal breathing obstruction after operations as well as for minor skin and mucous membrane injuries in the nose area. A special area of application is rhinitis vasomotorica, the so-called runny nose, which leads to a permanent non-allergic and non-flammatory congestion of the nose. Through the tube-like connection of the middle ear to the nasopharynx, the auditory trumpet, Nasic® even makes it possible to reduce the swelling of the mucous membranes within it.

Especially in the case of painful middle ear inflammation, this can help to improve ventilation of the middle ear and enable pressure equalization. Nasic® should be used for a short period of time – no longer than seven days at a time and a maximum of three times a day. If you are unsure about the use of Nasic®, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice. Furthermore, Nasic® should only be administered to children after consulting a doctor.