Nausea in addition to dizziness | Homeopathy for dizziness

Nausea in addition to dizziness

Nausea often occurs together with dizziness, as the brain usually reacts with nausea to circulatory or other supply disorders of the central nervous system. Dizziness can therefore cause nausea. Alternatively, dizziness and nausea can be caused simultaneously by poisoning – so it is sometimes difficult to distinguish cause and effect from each other at this point. Generally good remedies for the treatment of nausea and dizziness occurring at the same time are Arnica montana and (especially if poisoning is suspected) Arsenicum album.

Circulatory problems in addition to dizziness

If circulation problems occur in addition to dizziness, Carbo vegetabilis is a proven remedy. Particularly fitting for the area of application of this remedy is that the person concerned faints or collapses or has the feeling that he or she will soon pass out and as a result is cold sweaty, has impaired vision and cold hands and feet. In addition to the administration of Carbo vegetabilis, other circulation-stabilizing measures are also recommended at this point, such as elevating the legs and drinking plenty of fluids. If the circulation problems are the result of excessive alcohol consumption, nux vomica can also help to alleviate them.

Neck pain associated with dizziness

Neck pain combined with dizziness should always be examined for other signs of meningitis. Fever, fatigue and headaches may be such indications. Another clear sign is the inability to lift the head while lying flat without pain or pulling on the spine and sciatic nerve. If such symptoms are present, a doctor should be consulted immediately! However, if the symptoms are obviously of a different cause and the symptoms described are not present, the homeopathic substance Gelsemium sempervirens can help to alleviate them.

Dizziness in combination with headaches

Dizziness and headaches are in themselves common symptoms.As with neck pain, however, the possible risk of meningitis must be considered. So if neck stiffness, fever, fatigue or even neurological symptoms such as apathy or vision problems are added, immediate medical treatment is urgently needed. Otherwise, there are extremely many substances that are used specifically for headaches and can even be combined with substances for the treatment of dizziness.

These include Nux vomica, Belladonna, Bryonia alba and China officialis. In addition, however, there are, as indicated, a large number of other substances that can be used. In order to aim for a more precise and targeted application, a suitably trained specialist should therefore be consulted.