Non-prescription drugs | Medicines for colds

Non-prescription drugs

In addition to many household remedies, there are also over-the-counter medicines for colds that can be purchased in pharmacies. For example, if a patient suffers from a runny nose that feels very swollen and impermeable, various nasal sprays can help. Firstly, there is a nasal spray which consists only of sea salt and a water solution.

This nasal spray is an over-the-counter medicine against a cold and can be bought in a pharmacy or drugstore.There are also nasal sprays or ointments containing dexpanthenol (also known as Bepanthen®), which can be used as over-the-counter medication. On the other hand, there are also nasal drops with a saltwater mixture, which are ideal medicine especially for smaller children. In addition, herbal medicines (Sinupret® forte or Sinupret® drops) can also help to relieve congested noses.

Medicines prescribed by a doctor

In addition to many home remedies and over-the-counter medicines for colds, there are also a few medicines that a patient can only purchase if he or she visits the family doctor and the latter issues a prescription for the medicine. In general, however, prescription drugs for colds are very rarely necessary. Especially antibiotics should not be administered for a simple cold.

However, if a patient also suffers from tonsillitis (angina tonsillaris), it may be necessary for the patient to take antibiotics. There are also nasal sprays containing the active ingredient xylometazoline or oxymetazoline. Although these are over-the-counter drugs that reduce the swelling of the nasal mucosa, they should be prescribed by a physician because of the potential for addiction.

This means that the patient should only use these nasal sprays exactly as prescribed and never for longer than 7 days. Otherwise, the nasal mucous membrane gets used to the nasal spray and without the use of the nasal spray will not be released. For this reason, it is very useful to consult your doctor in detail. There are no other drugs that should or can only be prescribed by a doctor. Most of the medicines against colds can be obtained by the patient himself in the pharmacy or in drugstores, but a doctor should be consulted in case of warning symptoms such as high fever or long lasting fatigue.