Nosebleeds Causes

For nosebleeds, the first thing to do is to stay calm – it usually looks worse than it is. The affected person should bend his head slightly forward while sitting or standing, preferably over a sink, and press the nostrils together with thumb and forefinger for several minutes. What you can also do to stop nosebleeds, when nosebleeds become dangerous and why they occur in the first place, read here.

This helps against nosebleeds

An alternative is to use a nasal tampon made of toilet paper or a paper handkerchief: Twist this into a two-centimeter-long, pencil-thick roll, grease it with petroleum jelly or skin cream and insert the tamponade into the front section of the nose. Use this to squeeze off the bleeding – for about ten minutes – virtually from the inside. Caution: Do not rest your head on the back of your neck, as this will cause the blood to run down the throat wall, be swallowed and lead to nausea. In addition, if the affected person is unconscious, the blood could get into the respiratory tract.

Stopping nosebleeds: other tips

In addition, you can try some other – more or less recognized – tips:

  1. Put a wet washcloth (alternatively: a cold pack or snow) on the back of your neck: it is unclear whether the resulting constriction of the neck vessels also reflexively throttles the blood supply to the nose. But it also does no harm.
  2. A tip from grandma’s treasure chest is to put cellulose or blotting paper under the tongue or between the upper lip and gums, respectively, or to suck a slice of lemon – the effectiveness is unproven, it’s worth a try.
  3. Recognized is the hemostatic effect of shepherd’s purse. You have nosebleeds every now and then? Then prepare an infusion of shepherd’s purse herb (a tablespoon with a cup of hot water for ten minutes and strain) and store it in the refrigerator or fill yourself something in a dropper. If necessary, you can snort the solution high or soak a twisted paper handkerchief with it and insert it into the affected nostril.
  4. You are convinced of homeopathy? Then try witch hazel or Natrium nitricum (D6, three globules over two age; first three times every two hours, then every five to six hours); If you are repeatedly plagued by nosebleeds, you can try to get this under control with Phosphorus D12 (three globules once a day for ten days).
  5. Why not try acupressure to stop the bleeding: Firmly squeeze the tip of the little finger for 20 to 30 seconds on the side where the nosebleed does not occur. A comparable effect has a rubber band, which they wrap around it for no more than half a minute – many swear by it.

Incidentally, the often recommended medical “obliteration” of the bleeding site should not be used as a first measure. This also creates a wound that can become infected and also bleed.

Nosebleeds: When to see a doctor?

See a family doctor or otolaryngologist if the bleeding does not stop within 20 minutes or if it is very severe, splashing, or due to an injury. A doctor should also be consulted if the bleeding originates in the upper part of the nose (recognizable by the fact that the blood mainly runs down the throat). Children are at risk of excessive blood loss at an earlier age, so if in doubt, the doctor should be consulted even earlier.

Behavior after nosebleeds: How to prevent?

Many sufferers report that after a nosebleed, the nose seems to be “irritated” and in the days that follow, bleeding attacks occur again and again. The explanation is simple: as with an injury on the skin, scabs form to protect the mucous membrane until the wound heals. However, this scab is not very resistant, so that even small stimuli are enough for the crust to tear off or open again. There are some tips to prevent nosebleeds that apply especially immediately after a nosebleed:

  • Give the blood vessels time to heal: Avoid blowing your nose for a day or two.
  • Take care of your nasal mucosa both after a bleed and preventively, especially if you are prone to nosebleeds. There are many preparations available in stores to keep the mucous membrane moist and supple, making it more resistant – creams and ointments (you can apply with your finger or a cotton swab), drops and sprays.Possible preparations are, for example, baby oil or special nasal oil, nasal healing spray, nasal ointment with dexapanthenol or with salt. Nasal rinses with a saline solution (ideally with the help of a nasal douche) can also help to care for the mucous membranes.
  • Ensure sufficient humidity indoors – a room humidifier, evaporation vessels on the radiators, large green plants or even possibly wet towels next to your bed will help.
  • Drink enough. This helps to keep the nasal mucous membranes moist.
  • In addition, regular activities that strengthen the circulation also seem to reduce the frequency for nosebleeds – for example, endurance sports or sauna visits. And by the way, you do something for your immune system and well-being!

Tip: If you suffer repeatedly from severe nosebleeds, you should let your doctor clarify whether there is a serious cause behind it.

How does a nosebleed occur?

The mucous membrane in the nose is crisscrossed with numerous small vessels to allow the blood flowing through to warm the air you breathe. When blood suddenly leaks from one or both nostrils – technically known as epistaxis – an injury to the mucosa is almost always the cause. At a point in the anterior region of the nasal septum (locus Kieselbachii), a particularly large number of vessels lie close to the surface and can therefore be injured quite quickly. A probing finger or strong blowing in the case of very dry mucosa, for example after a cold, is then already sufficient to set bleeding in motion.

What are the causes of nosebleeds?

Violence can also cause nosebleeds: a blow from a fist, an accidental bump or an accident resulting in a broken nose, a foreign body that has found a way inside the nose due to a child’s urge to explore. Rare causes of frequent, rapidly triggered and/or severe nosebleeds include:

In the latter, there is a dilation of blood vessels (telangiectasia) and associated increased vulnerability. In addition, there also seems to be a familial susceptibility to develop nosebleeds even with minor stimuli, without a pathological cause can be found. This often manifests itself in childhood – annoying, but harmless. It is also not uncommon for nosebleeds in children to recur easily after bleeding has already stopped. Often, normal romping around, which briefly increases the pressure in the vessels, is enough for the nosebleed to start again. They also like to pick their nose to nibble off the bark – also a possible trigger of the renewed nosebleed.