Ear, nose and throat medicine (ENT) deals with diseases of the ears, nose, oral cavity, throat and vocal tract as well as the upper and lower respiratory tract and the oesophagus.
Health disorders and diseases that fall within the scope of otorhinolaryngology are, for example
- Tonsillitis (angina)
- mumps
- Laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx)
- Epiglottitis (inflammation of the epiglottis)
- Diphtheria
- Sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses)
- Nasal polyps
- Curvature of the nasal septum
- Inflammation of the middle ear
- Pfeiffer’s glandular fever
- Sleep apnoea
- snoring
- sudden deafness, tinnitus, hearing loss
- Taste and odor disorders
Therapies that are carried out in the ENT area are, for example
- Tonsil and adenoid operations
- Correction of the nasal septum
- Nose correction, ear correction
- vocal fold and larynx surgery
- Endoscopic removal of swallowed or inhaled foreign bodies
- Tympanoplasty, hearing aid fitting, cochlear implantation
- Hearing loss and tinnitus treatment (with medication, oxygen therapy, relaxation techniques, etc.)