Otolaryngology (ENT)

Ear, nose and throat medicine (ENT) deals with diseases of the ears, nose, oral cavity, throat and vocal tract as well as the upper and lower respiratory tract and the oesophagus. Health disorders and diseases that fall within the scope of otorhinolaryngology are, for example Tonsillitis (angina) mumps Laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx) Epiglottitis (inflammation … Otolaryngology (ENT)

Breathing Stops: Causes, Treatment & Help

Breathing pauses occur as a symptom of so-called sleep apnea mostly at night during sleep. Affected are about 2-4 percent of the adult population – especially overweight men who snore conspicuously. The breathing pauses lasting several seconds to minutes can lead to an acute oxygen deficiency of the organism and, if left untreated, to a … Breathing Stops: Causes, Treatment & Help

Nasal Lavage: Treatment, Effect & Risks

People who often have a stuffy nose know the problem. Nasal sprays do not help, they rather aggravate the problem. A good and effective home remedy can be nasal irrigation. What is nasal irrigation? Nasal lavage involves flushing the nasal passages with a lukewarm saline solution. Rinsing with the saline solution causes the mucous membranes … Nasal Lavage: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Pediatric Audiology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Pediatric audiology deals with childhood hearing, voice, swallowing, and speech disorders, as well as disorders of speech development. Together with phoniatrics, pediatric audiology forms an independent specialty that was managed as a sub-specialty of otolaryngology (ENT) until 1993. Pediatric audiology, like phoniatrics, has a strong interdisciplinary character because the problems that arise are often not … Pediatric Audiology: Treatment, Effects & Risks