Parents’ fears of loss | Fear of loss

Parents’ fears of loss

Parental fear of losing their children is also not a rare phenomenon. They occur mainly during the beginning of the kindergarten period and later when the children move into their own home. Often, excessive fear of loss on the part of parents is due to the loss of an earlier child, such as a miscarriage. Depending on the extent of the perceived fear, this can have a strong impact on the parent-child relationship and significantly limit the children’s degrees of freedom. Here too, therapy should be considered when the anxiety begins to affect everyday life and the relationship between parents and children.

Fear of loss in a relationship

Relationships are the most common targets of loss fears. This accumulation is probably due to the fact that most people have been abandoned by one or more partners in the course of their lives, which can then lead to the development of fear of loss. Fear of loss in relationships can present itself in many different ways.

For example, there may be a feeling of diffuse alarm, so that those affected always have the feeling that they could lose their partner. This often results in tension and the feeling of loneliness even though you are in a relationship. In order to compensate for the fear of loss, however, strong control compulsions and mistrust, in the sense of jealousy, can also arise.

It is not always easy to distinguish between normal and excessive fears. The development of fear of loss and its consequences, such as control compulsions, can have a strong influence on the relationship and ultimately lead to the loss of the partner itself. This situation is called a self-fulfilling prophecy. Such a development can further intensify the fear of loss and those affected get into a vicious circle. Therefore, even in extreme cases, a therapy is recommended.

Fear of loss and jealousy – what is the connection?

Fear of loss and the development of strong jealousy in relationships often occur together. As described above, jealousy can be the direct result of exaggerated fear of loss. If such fears exist in a partner to an exaggerated degree, distrust can be the result.

The affected person lives in constant fear of losing his or her partner. In the case of distrust, the loss of a partner to another person is seen as the main risk, which can then lead to excessive jealousy and have a strong influence on the relationship.