Other term
Stone oil
Application of petroleum for the following diseases in homeopathy
- Eczema
- Tears at the corners of the mouth (rhagades, fissures)
- Eyelid inflammation
- Chronic rhinitis with damage to the mucosa
- Chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract
- Insatiable vomiting
- Irritations of the central nervous system
Use of petroleum for the following symptoms
- Forgetfulness
- Delusions
- Tolerates driving in the car or
- On the ship very bad
- Bad Bad Breath
- Coated tongue
- Disorders of the production of gastric acid
- Diarrhea with loss of mucus and blood
- Dryness of the nasal, pharyngeal and laryngeal mucosa
- Chronic eyelid inflammation
- Skin dry and chapped
- Skin cracks (rhagades) at the corners of the mouth, auricle attachments, nostril attachments, nipples and anus
- Dry painful eczema especially on the hairy head, auricles, anus, testicles and the rest of the body
Active Organs
- Central and autonomic nervous system
- Skin
- Mucous membranes
- Gastrointestinal Canal
Usual dosage
- Drops of kerosene D3, D4, D6
- Ampoules Petroleum D6
- Globules Petroleum D4, D6, D12