Physiotherapy for depressions

Depression affects the sufferer as well as his or her family and social environment in almost all areas of life. Physiotherapy plays an increasingly important role in the treatment of depression.


One of the most important factors during therapy is an attentive physiotherapist who recognizes the typical signs and behavior of people suffering from depression and can actively counteract them in an emergency. The therapist also needs a high degree of empathy, as many of the patients are emotionally unstable and have special needs in dealing with them. The content of physiotherapy is especially endurance and strength exercises, as the body releases endorphins (happiness hormones) during exercise, which work to lighten the mood and counteract pain.

Especially with light and moderate depressions, good results can be achieved. The released endorphins also lower the cortisol level in the body, which is increased in people with depression. The exercises also cause an increased sensitivity for the neurotransmitter serotonin, which has a similar effect to antidepressants.

In order to ensure that the success of exercise training is maintained in the long term, it is important that those affected receive a training plan with which they train several times a week. Since depression can also cause physical symptoms such as tension, stiffness and other complaints, physiotherapy can help patients through manual therapy methods, cognitive behavioral therapy, massages and group therapy. Through the social connection during therapy, the patients are simultaneously brought out of their isolation and find easier access to their social environment. In addition to this you can also read the article “Autogenic Training“.


Self-help for depression is not suitable for all people affected. Different methods can bring about a significant improvement on some days and seem completely useless on other days, so those affected must find a good way for themselves to find out how self-help can best help them personally. Different methods can serve as an approach.

Self-help groups are also a very good way to break out of the vicious circle of depression. Through acceptance and understanding, as well as social contacts in the group, many depressive people experience a significant improvement in their symptoms.

  • Acceptance of the disease: Admitting that you are ill and that you need to shift down a gear, as well as the realization that some symptoms are normal in the context of the disease.
  • Acceptance of one’s self: Allowing yourself to be the way you are at the moment, even if it means having a bad day.

    Don’t blame yourself and think of yourself in a derogatory way.

  • Allow setbacks: Depression is a serious illness that cannot be cured overnight, but takes time. Despite good success, setbacks are possible.
  • Focus Shift: Much of depression is about our thinking. When affected people are at a low point, they should try to concentrate more on their own body to get rid of the negative thoughts.