Borderline Therapy: Psychotherapy, Self-Help

How can borderline syndrome be treated? There are various forms of therapy for the treatment of borderline syndrome: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). The breakthrough in borderline treatment was made by the US therapist Marsha M. Linehan. She developed Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), which is specially tailored to borderline patients. This is a special form of … Borderline Therapy: Psychotherapy, Self-Help

Physiotherapy for depressions

Depression affects the sufferer as well as his or her family and social environment in almost all areas of life. Physiotherapy plays an increasingly important role in the treatment of depression. Physiotherapy One of the most important factors during therapy is an attentive physiotherapist who recognizes the typical signs and behavior of people suffering from … Physiotherapy for depressions

Therapy | Physiotherapy for depressions

Therapy Depression is usually treated with medication to restore the balance between the messenger substances serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. So-called antidepressants are used for this purpose. These are divided into different groups, including The effect of the antidepressants only sets in after 1-2 weeks, but side effects can occur immediately. In addition to … Therapy | Physiotherapy for depressions

Tinnitus: Treatment and Self-Help

In many cases, tinnitus can be interpreted as a well-meaning admonition from the body. In addition to physical causes, ringing in the ears can also be a warning signal that we have overtaken ourselves physically or mentally. Therefore, you should track down the causes and correct them if possible. A visit to an ear, nose … Tinnitus: Treatment and Self-Help

Paruresis: Self-Help for Those Affected

Paruresis cannot be treated with medication. But it can be positively changed through behavioral therapy. Before starting therapy, however, physical causes, such as prostate enlargement, prostate cancer or urethral stricture must be ruled out by a specialist. The paruresis therapy has the following structure: Before the therapy a very detailed diagnostics is made, so that … Paruresis: Self-Help for Those Affected

Home Pharmacy: Help for Self-Help

In emergencies with a handle the right thing for wound care; headache – the painkiller immediately at hand. A well-stocked medicine cabinet will serve you well in an emergency! Small aches and injuries can often be cured by yourself. You just have to know how. Then sometimes even the way to the doctor can be … Home Pharmacy: Help for Self-Help