PhysiotherapyPhysical Gymnastics | Exercises for Patellar Tip Syndrome

PhysiotherapyPhysical Gymnastics

The performance of stretching exercises is especially important under the prophylactic background, i.e. to prevent patellar tip syndrome. This prophylaxis generally proves to be the best therapy. Our thigh muscle, the so-called M. quadriceps, which consists of 4 muscle parts, plays a decisive role.

The sinewy parts of the medial muscle tract pass over the patella and then merge into the patal ligamentum. Exercises on the thigh muscle therefore have a direct effect on the patella, which is the source of the symptoms of patellar tip syndrome. Regular stretching of the quadriceps muscle can lead to a significant reduction in the pressure and tension on the patella during certain movements. In addition, stretching keeps the muscles “supple” and reduces muscle tone, i.e. the general state of tension of the quadriceps muscle, so that there are fewer irritations in the patellar region.