Stomach Pain: What Helps?

If there is no serious disease, a number of home remedies can help against stomach pain. If psychological problems are the cause, the circumstances of life should be changed urgently, not only because ultimately stress and strain can also lead to stomach ulcers. Avoid hectic both at work (if possible, no shift work) and in the private environment, provide just as for rest and relaxation as for balancing sports (such as yoga or Tai Chi) and help your cracked soul possibly with Bach flowers on the jump.

Psychotherapy for depression

If depression or other causes are present that are not rooted in a passing phase, you may want to consider psychotherapy. In general, it is important to avoid the factors that trigger stomach pain and possibly to take one to two days of bed rest.

Home remedies for stomach pain

The following home remedies may be helpful in treating stomach pain:

  • Herbal teas: coriander, chamomile, basil leaves, cumin, fennel, ginger, anise and lemon balm soothe the stomach and digestive tract and can be made into tea creations or purchased as ready-made tea blends, depending on your preference.
  • Heat: A hot water bottle on the upper abdomen can drive away stomach pain.
  • Regular meals: Eat at set times, avoid lavish slurping and try not to constantly nibble something in between.
  • Refrain from sweets: try to eat a diet free of sugar as much as possible.
  • Still water: Drink a glass of lukewarm water out immediately after getting up or dissolve a pinch of soda in the water.
  • Stomach upset: artichoke juice, fresh cabbage juice or a small bitters after a heavy meal facilitate digestion.
  • Sea buckthorn: Half a teaspoon of sea buckthorn from the pharmacy three times a day helps against stomach cramps.
  • Vinegar poultice: add vinegar to a bowl of hot water and dip a towel. Put the wringed cloth on the stomach for fifteen minutes.
  • Potatoes: eat potato soup or fresh mashed potatoes.

Diet for stomach pain

In the case of diet-related stomach pain, it is worth changing the menu. Refrain as far as possible from fatty foods and lavish meals, avoid excessive consumption of meat as well as animal products and instead switch to whole foods and fruits and vegetables. Start the day with fruits and avoid a late supper.

Circumvent stomach acidity (acidosis) by avoiding foods high in acid and eating few carbohydrates but plenty of fiber. Light soups (especially fat-free chicken soup), salads and natural yogurt have also been shown to be gentle on the stomach. Be sure to eat a varied diet enriched with digestive spices – for example, cumin, ginger and fennel.

At the beginning of the dietary change, an individual therapeutic fast may possibly be very useful to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, other options for treating stomach pain in the form of medication may need additional consideration.

  • Internists on the Net: Causes of abdominal pain. (Retrieved: 04/2020)

  • Online information of the gastroenterology Memmingen: Stomach pain. (Retrieved: 04/2020)

  • Neurologists and psychiatrists on the net (2013): When the psyche hits the digestion. (Retrieved: 04/2020)

  • Gastrointestinal physicians: gastric ulcer. (Retrieved: 04/2020)