Premature Rupture of Membranes – What to do when it happens too early

Timely rupture of the membranes

At the time of rupture, the amniotic sac breaks and the amniotic fluid comes out – sometimes in a gush and in larger quantities. This is then hardly to be mistaken for involuntary urination. In other cases, once the amniotic sac breaks, the amniotic fluid also goes out continuously in small amounts.

In two-thirds of all births, rupture of the membranes occurs in time, that is, during the opening period (first stage of labor) when the cervix is fully open.

Early rupture of the membranes

If the water breaks at the beginning of the opening period, when the cervix is not yet fully open, this is called premature rupture of the membranes.

Premature rupture of the membranes

What should be done in the event of a rupture of the membranes?

In the event of a rupture of the membranes – whether in time, early or premature – the first thing to do is to stay calm. Inform your doctor, your midwife and the clinic where you want to give birth and have yourself taken to the clinic lying down if possible, possibly by ambulance. In the event of premature rupture of the membranes, you can have pillows placed under your bottom to prevent the baby from sliding deeper into the pelvis. This reduces the risk of a prolapsed umbilical cord.

Premature rupture of the membranes: What does the doctor do?

Nine out of ten women go into labor within 24 hours after premature rupture of the membranes. Otherwise, depending on the week of pregnancy, birth may be induced.

In the case of premature rupture of the membranes between the 28th and 36th week of gestation, it is possible to wait with the induction of labor if there is no amniotic infection syndrome. If, on the other hand, AIS is present, labor is induced when the fetal lungs are already mature. If the lungs are immature, the woman is given labor inhibitors to give the unborn baby time for the lungs to mature.

Even in the case of premature rupture of the membranes before the 28th week of gestation, it is possible to wait with the induction of labor, provided that the signs of infection are carefully monitored. To help the baby’s lungs mature, some women are given corticosteroids (“cortisone”).

Premature rupture of the membranes before the 24th week of gestation has a very unfavorable prognosis: most babies born at this time have too small, underdeveloped lungs (pulmonary hypoplasia), which causes severe breathing problems.